Concurso #84 Formación del hogar duradero//Formation of the Enduring Home[ESP-ENG]



Estimada comunidad para mi es un placer publicar por primera vez con ustedes, me motivo el concurso #84 que tienen para esta semana, gracias a las iniciativas que están promoviendo.

Cuál fue tu posición (en términos.jpg

Soy la menor de 7 hermanos, por lo cual cuando nací supongo que ya mis padres habían adquirido suficiente experiencia sobre mi crianza, pero existía una desventaja por cuanto los hermanos mayores se creían con la responsabilidad de formarme y además, en muchas ocasiones eran los que disponían lo que debía hacer y realizar en cuanto a tareas en el hogar sobre en época de adolescente.

Eso ocurría sobre todo con mis dos hermanos primeros en el orden de nacimiento, era muy compleja la situación porque entonces ellos se atribuían una responsabilidad que no les pertenecía, incluso estar pendiente mis horarios de clase en el primer año de estudio del liceo, sobre todo mi hermano mayor varón.

A pesar que mi padre era muy receloso para dejarnos salir a alguna fiestecita de cualquier amiguita, entonces además estaba la aceptación de mi hermano mayor que siempre estaba pendiente de todas esas situaciones, esas circunstancias se dieron sobre todo en la adolescencia, había muchos celos de dejarme salir, será por qué era la menor.

Al contrario, en la infancia era muy mimada por ser la menor de todos y siempre estaban pendiente de mí, los más grandes cuando salían siempre trataban de llevarme algo para consentirme, también ere el hecho que antes de mi había 3 varones, entonces yo era la niña mimada y la chiquita de la casa.


Sin embargo, puedo decir que eso ayudo a que mi formación se iniciara muy temprano, porque cuando comencé en la escuela me estaba iniciando en la lectura y por supuesto conocía todas las letras, ya que mi madre siempre nos infundo la importancia de los aprendizajes, y los mayores siempre nos colaboraban a los dos más pequeños en la lectura y escritura, ya que con mi hermano inmediatamente mayor que yo la diferencia es de 1 año de edad.

Ese estimulo que me daban para el estudio desde pequeña, se perpetúo en mí, donde realice una primaria excelente, tan es así que cuando ingrese a la primaria y en el colegio se dieron cuento que no hacía nada en un primer grado ya que podía leer perfectamente en los libros utilizados para el momento en la primaria, me promovieron de inmediato al segundo grado.

Ya después de profesional universitaria continue estudiando hasta alcanzar estudios de quinto nivel, jajaja y puedo decir que casi estuve estudiando hasta mi jubilación, bueno, quizás los deseos de superación continua se deben a esos estímulos durante la infancia, recuerdo que hay un dicho que dice: “que lo que uno aprende hasta los 7 años no lo olvida jamás”, ese pudo ser entonces un gran aprendizaje de mi infancia, gracias al apoyo familiar.

Todo el mundo tiene una opinión sobre su.jpg

Si, de alguna manera se recompensa mi autoestima, porque he sentido el respeto de las personas con las cuales me toco compartir en el trabajo, tanto superiores en cargo como inferiores, porque uno demuestra que los cargos que se ocupen circunstancialmente en la institución no solamente tienen que ver con el buen desempeño sino también por los estudios realizados.

Para culminar esta publicación invito a la amiga @damarysvibra a incorporarse a esta comunidad para que participe en estos concursos semanales.



Dear Ladies of Hive community, it is a pleasure for me to publish for the first time with you, I am motivated by the contest #84 that you have for this week, thanks to the initiatives that you are promoting.

What was your position (in terms of.jpg

I am the youngest of 7 siblings, so when I was born I suppose my parents had already acquired enough experience in my upbringing, but there was a disadvantage in that the older siblings thought they had the responsibility to educate me and also, on many occasions, they were the ones who arranged what I should do and carry out in terms of chores at home, especially when I was a teenager.

This happened especially with my first two brothers in the order of birth, the situation was very complex because then they attributed to themselves a responsibility that did not belong to them, including being aware of my class schedules in the first year of high school, especially my older brother.

Although my father was very suspicious to let us go out to any party of any friend, then there was also the acceptance of my older brother who was always aware of all these situations, these circumstances occurred especially in adolescence, there was a lot of jealousy to let me out, it will be because I was the youngest.

On the contrary, in my childhood I was very spoiled for being the youngest of all and they were always looking out for me, the older ones when they went out always tried to take me something to spoil me, also the fact that before me there were 3 boys, so I was the spoiled girl and the little girl of the house.


However, I can say that this helped my education to begin very early, because when I started school I was beginning to read and of course I knew all the letters, since my mother always instilled in us the importance of learning, and the older ones always helped the two younger ones in reading and writing, since with my brother who was immediately older than me the difference was of 1 year of age.

That stimulus that they gave me to study since I was a child, perpetuated in me, where I had an excellent elementary school, so much so that when I entered elementary school and the school realized that I was not doing anything in the first grade since I could read perfectly well in the books used at the time in elementary school, they immediately promoted me to the second grade.

After becoming a university professional I continued studying until I reached fifth grade, hahaha and I can say that I was almost studying until my retirement, well, perhaps the desire for continuous improvement is due to those stimuli during childhood, I remember that there is a saying that says: "what you learn until you are 7 years old you never forget", that could be then a great learning from my childhood, thanks to the family support.

Everyone has an opinion about their self-esteem,.jpg

Yes, in some way my self-esteem is rewarded, because I have felt the respect of the people with whom I have had to share at work, both superiors and inferiors, because one shows that the positions that are occupied circumstantially in the institution not only have to do with good performance but also for the studies.

To conclude this publication I invite my friend @damarysvibra to join this community to participate in these weekly contests.

Translated with (free version)

Fuente de imagen: Portada-1

Publicación 100% Hive Power

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Ser la menor de ese "batallón" pudo no haber sido del todo fácil, sin embargo, estar llena de tanto afecto y mimos seguro que lo compensaba, además que te dejó una pasión inigualable por los estudios.

Gracias apreciada @doriscova8 por la agradable invitación y en un tema que en seguida me ubicó en bellos recuerdos. 😊


Asi es, nada fácil, bueno para unas cosas y malo para otras,jajaja. Un abrazo.


Hello @doriscova8
Welcome to Ladies of Hive.
Ladies of Hive is here for you.
This is where we can exchange ideas and be inspired by the stories of others.
Perhaps we have the knowledge to share or perhaps we need to learn from others.
No matter what it is ... do it on Ladies of Hive.
You are not here just for yourself.
We are here for each other.
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Thanks for entering the contest.
Good luck!


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Hello @doriscova8. How nice to be the youngest girl and all older siblings take responsibility for you. Your brothers watching out for you and helping with your schooling is awesome. You excelled at school from this tutoring.

How lovely that you were in a career environment where your self-worth was recognized and appreciated. Not many have that opportunity or experience.

Thanks so much for sharing your story. Take care.


Having older siblings is such a blessing when they are caring and willing to pass on their knowledge and experiences to you. ❤️
