Singing on Tuesday - My entry - Bandiera bianca by Franco Battiato - Karaoke cover by Donatello

Dear music lovers

It has been a very cold day but I managed to spend a few hours outdoors.
I've just filmed this video.

Have fun watching!
Bandiera bianca by Franco Battiato - Karaoke cover by Donatello


Bandiera bianca

Mr. Tamburino non ho voglia di scherzare
rimettiamoci la maglia
i tempi stanno per cambiare.
Siamo figli delle stelle e pronipoti
di sua maestà il denaro.

Per fortuna il mio razzismo
non mi fa guardare
quei programmi demenziali
con tribune elettorali.

E avete voglia di mettervi
profumi e deodoranti
siete come sabbie mobili
tirate giù uh uh.

C'è chi si mette
degli occhiali da sole
per avere più carisma
e sintomatico mistero.

Uh! com'è difficile restare padre
quando i figli crescono e le mamme imbiancano.
Quante squallide figure che attraversano il paese,
com'è misera la vita negli abusi di potere.

Sul ponte sventola bandiera bianca
sul ponte sventola bandiera bianca
sul ponte sventola bandiera bianca
sul ponte sventola bandiera bianca

A Beethoven e Sinatra preferisco l'insalata,
a Vivaldi l'uva passa che mi dà più calorie.
Uh! com'è difficile restare calmi e indifferenti
mentre tutti intorno fanno rumore.

In quest'epoca di pazzi
ci mancavano gli idioti dell'orrore.
Ho sentito degli spari in una via del centro,
quante stupide galline che si azzuffano per niente
minima immoralia
minima immoralia
e sommersi soprattutto da immondizie musicali.

Sul ponte sventola bandiera bianca
sul ponte sventola bandiera bianca
sul ponte sventola bandiera bianca
sul ponte sventola bandiera bianca

Minima immoralia...
The end
my only friend this is the end
sul ponte sventola bandiera bianca...

English translation

White Flag

Mister Tamburino, I do not want to joke,
let's put on the shirt, times are changing.
We are children of the star and great-grandchildren of his majesty, money.
Fortunately, my racism will not let me see
demential programs with electoral tribunals.
Although you have perfumes and deodorants
you are quicksand, always down.
There are those who wear sunglasses,
for having more charisma and symptomatic mystery.
How difficult it is to be a father when the child grows
and mothers grow old.
How many squalid figures that crosses the country,
and how much poor is life with abuses of power.

On the brdge the white flag flies,1
On the bridge the white flag flies.
On the bridge the white flag flies,
On the bridge the white flag flies.

I prefer the salad to Beethoven and Sinatra,
and raisins to Vivaldi, because it give me more calories.
How difficult it is to be still, indifferent
while everything around makes noise.
In this time of crazy we were missing
the idiots of horror.
I've heard the shots on a downtown run.
How much stupid hen, they fight for nothing.
Minima immoralia 2
minima immoralia
Submerged mainly in trash music.

On the bridge the white flag flies
On the bridge the white flag flies.
On the bridge the white flag flies
On the bridge the white flag flies.

Minima immoralia...
The end
my only friend this is the end 3
on the bridge the white flag flies

  1. it is a quotation of Italian poetry,' L'ultima ora di Venezia', dedicated to the definitive defeat of the Republic of San Marco, by the Austrian. They won after 1 year of siege, in 1849. The author of the poetry is Arnaldo Fusinato.
  2. it is an ironic quotation of 'Minima moralia', philosophical work written by Theodor Adorno'
  3. it is a quotation of a Doors song

You can create a post like this one in this community every day of the week. Tomorrow the title should be, "Singing on Wednesday".
