Entrepreneurship in the Cattle Raising Production Process.


Every entrepreneur every day that passes seeks to venture into any business activity in order to explore and consolidate the vision or idea he has in mind. To start a business in the agricultural sector today is very difficult, however, I will explain some of the processes involved in the production of cattle raising.

The productive processes can vary from the simple transformation level to the most complex ones. Within the agricultural activity, the productive process is related to the production of food, of animal or vegetable origin, these products can be consumed without many sanitary treatments such as vegetables; as well as transforming or processing them. In addition, it is important to emphasize that within this process related to animal production, operations involving machinery are not directly used.

The production of bovine cattle goes through a series of phases in which we are going to describe for a better understanding before being able to sell:

Gestation Phase: In this phase the fertilization of the ovules of the bovine begins, this phase occurs after having impregnated in a natural or artificial way (by bull riding or artificial insemination); it is also very important to point out that within this phase some expenses are incurred that must be computed in order to be able to incorporate the bovine.

It is important to mention that there are characteristics that make the gestation or prenatal phases important since we can find different behavior of dairy cattle depending on the case, because they change their behavior very often.

Breeding: In this phase, the female, after giving birth to the calf, keeps it fed and takes care of it for a period of no more than 8 months. When the calf develops, it becomes a maute or mauta.

The phases of raising male or female veceros ensure a more efficient process in future production, since there are determining factors for optimal development and for the improvement of the breed foot within the herd.

Raising: It is considered the third phase of a herd, it can be said that it is the process through which the animal has not yet reached maturity to be able to get pregnant or to be able to gestate, it is also important to know that it is said gestate because they are females that have not been mounted by any bull nor have they been inseminated.

Fattening: This is the last process in which the animal is apt to be classified as steers or heifers, the females will go through a series of processes to achieve production by means of physical stallions (bulls) or by means of artificial insemination with the purpose of generating young female replacement animals, at the end of this phase they would be automatically incorporated to a new one, which would be the gestation or prenatal phase, while the males will be the production of meat marketed in live species or destined to slaughter centers (slaughterers).

All photos are in the public domain from Pixabay.
