Story Shorts: Harmony of the Cosmos


Harmony of the Cosmos

Humanity had always sought out the secrets of the universe, but none were prepared when they discovered the universe was singing back. It was a delicate melody, a cosmic symphony emitted by the universe itself, resonating through the vast expanses of space. The melody was subtle and could only be heard by instruments specifically designed to pick up cosmic vibrations. These instruments, assembled in great Observatories scattered across the globe, began to translate the ethereal melody into a form humans could comprehend.

In a small town in Colorado, a young girl named Evie was captivated by the celestial music. Evie was a prodigy, a musical genius who had been playing the piano since she was four. When she heard the cosmic melody, she found a connection with the universe she'd never experienced before. She could understand it, not in the conventional sense, but at a deeper, more intuitive level. It was like a language she had known but forgotten, now resurfacing in the form of cosmic music.

Evie began to replicate the melody on her piano. The notes were unfamiliar, complex, yet they flowed seamlessly from her fingers. As she played, something extraordinary happened. Reality around her began to waver and distort subtly. Flowers bloomed out of season, the wind carried an unusual warmth, and time seemed to hold its breath when she played the most complex parts of the melody.

News of her gift spread, reaching the world's leading scientists. They realized that Evie wasn't just replicating the cosmic symphony - she was interacting with it. Her music was resonating with the universe's music, causing reality to respond in unprecedented ways.

With the guidance of scientists and her intuitive understanding of the cosmic melody, Evie embarked on a journey to explore the potential of this music. As she played, healing took place - physical wounds healed, feuds were forgotten, and peace descended. Her music could manipulate reality, shaping it in harmony with the universe's symphony.

Evie's Symphony, as it came to be known, became a beacon of hope. As her music echoed across the world, it brought change, healing, and unity, humanity's existence now in tune with the harmony of the cosmos.


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An interesting take on the Pythagorean theory of the Music of the Spheres. In a perfect universe the harmony of the planets in motion would provide beautiful music, as it is, it simply provides beautiful poetry as reflected in Act V. 1 of Merchant of Venice when Lorenzo and Jessica are courting while listening to music in the open air....On such a night, almost anything seems possible. Nice allusion if you intended it, but like all allusions it's generally lost on the audience, but functions on the subconscious level nonetheless. Why no dialogue in your wee tales?


I much prefer to just stick to plots. They are just of more interest to me. There is something about being more concise that is more appealing to me than expanding out on a subject. Thank you for your thoughts.
