Depression - Could it Be Stress Related?


Depression is a very complex disorder. No one really knows what triggers it, but it could happen for various reasons. Some individuals experience depression due to a serious medical condition. Others could have depression as part of life transitions like a death or a moving.

A few other causes of depression include alcohol and drug abuse, major life changes, such as a death or a moving, and seasonal cycles. Someone who goes through a major life change, such as losing a job or spouse, may go through depression. Many times, those who go through major changes in their lives, do not know how to deal with the depression and that it's there. As a result, they become depressed and have to learn how to deal with this new reality.


Other medications are sometimes used in severe depression. These medications are used when the cause of the depression is psychosomatic. Psychosomatic means that it is not caused by a medical condition, such as the flu or the common cold. Common medications used in this circumstance are anti-seizure medications and anti-depressants.

When the cause of the depression is a medical condition, the symptoms will usually go away within a day or so. However, if it is not, the symptoms of the depression will continue to get worse unless the condition is treated. In addition to medication, many times doctors will recommend therapy as well. Many times this type of therapy is combined with a course of anti-depressant medications, which are designed to treat the brain chemicals that are responsible for the depression.

The symptoms of depression affect many people. The severity of the disorder will determine how many people are affected by it. This means that there are many different types of disorders out there, including social and emotional disorders, physical disorders and mental disorders. The symptoms of depression can range from mild to severe, but the majority of people who have it don't have to suffer from the full blown type of depression. They can have the mild type, which is marked by the ability to function reasonably well in most situations, or they can have the more severe version, which can be very debilitating and even dangerous to one's health. While it is impossible to figure out what kind of depression affects each person individually, you can find out what the most common symptoms of depression are.

Some research suggests that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. When there is a brain chemical imbalance, your mood will often start to shift. This can happen for various reasons, including a traumatic event, changes in hormone levels, or even just a physical problem in your brain, such as an injury. Research has also shown that the overuse of certain chemicals, such as caffeine and nicotine can contribute to the depression.

Another reason that researchers believe that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance is because of the way the body responds to stress. Stress can cause changes in the levels of many neurotransmitters in the brain, and some researchers think that when this occurs, the depression is caused. Different researchers, however, disagree with this theory. Instead, they suggest that the symptoms of depression are caused by changes in the body's stress response system. When a person has a sudden increase in the amount of stress, they may feel that their bodies are not capable of dealing with the stress, and this can lead to the symptoms of depression.

If the researchers are correct, then it is possible that the symptoms of depression are directly related to the stress response system of the brain. However, they are not sure how this works. It is possible that there are several different types of neurotransmitters, and that they respond in different ways to different stressors. If these researchers are right, then it would mean that you need to pay more attention to your stress response than to your serotonin level!

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