Homeschooling: Teaching my children some basic Etiquette


Hello lovely home Edders, Hope y'all are doing just fine.
I realized it's good I start now to teach my kids what the need to know,so this morning I decided to sit them down and talk to them about some basic Etiquette.
Children act on impulse not knowing or ask whether it's good for them. Most parents want thier children to know how to behave, but doesn't know the right thing to do or how to begin.
The are ways in which parents can teach etiquette to kids, most important living by example and being consistent. Etiquette should be taught at a very tender age to avoid bad habit, because once bad habit are formed it's difficult to unlearn. Parents should note that there are suppose to be thier children's role models 🥰🥰🥰 so if the parents are good, gentle, obedience to every one the children will follow suit, also if a parent observe good table manners the child will definitely do same. The best way to show kids good etiquette is to practice in thier presence. And this should be done at a very tender age 3-8.

Good Etiquette my kids should know

  1. To be Appreciative: so my kids knows the need to always be Appreciative of everything and everyone, it's not allowed to use foul language to people, on no account should you look down on someone, and I also told them that the shouldn't emulate everything the see people do.

  2. Covering of mouth: A child must know, that it's important to cover his/her mouth when coughing, sneezing and yawning.

  3. Learning to say please, sorry and thank you: This particular one is the most easiest and the basic one.
    A child should be able to say:

"Thank you" when he/she receives something.
"Excuse me" when entering an open room.
"Please" when asking for something.
"Knock" on the door before entering.

  1. Greetings: this is also an important etiquette. A child must and should be able to greet an elderly person when seen at all time.

  2. Washing of hands before and after eating: A child should know that cleanliness is next to Godliness, a child should be able to keep his/her body clean at all times.

  3. Praying in the morning and before sleeping: Try to draw your children to God, to that thing you believe.

  4. Positive Comment: teach your child how to add positive comments like "Happy to meet you", "Thanks for having me', this shows the value a child attached to a person. And those are not small comment it's a big statement when it comes to manners and etiquette.

Etiquette are necessary for every child, because it'll carry over to adulthood, and this will help make them successful mother's, father's etc.



Etiquettes are basic to every child's growth and the younger they are when you teach them they better for the society. Greeting and respecting adults are very vital to a good upbringing in Africa, so teaching them how to greet their elders makes them relevant to their society. Thanks for sharing.


You're right my dear, in this part of the world they need to be followed at a very tender age. Thanks for commenting


You're welcome, there's a proverb that says 'a tree is easier to cutdown when it's tender'. Also 'you don't teach someone to be left-handed at old age'. The earlier the better. Greetings


Great job, those etiquettes will help them when they grow and they will be respected by others using those etiquettes.
