Importance of the business organization for the development of a successful administrative management.

Written by:Diomer Antonio Galán Rincón.
Bachelor's Degree.Public Accounting / MSc.Science of Higher Education.

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Today's organizations have two very well defined characteristics: their magnitude and their complexity", therefore, each organizational structure must keep up with the new demands, allowing them to function and achieve the common objectives.

In this order, it should be noted that currently organizations face a constant change due to the different demands that must be met to meet the demands of their customers, therefore the organizations of this new century, has to take into account aspects such as globalization, technology and the way to guide the staff, in addition to this, the way companies are organized has evolved, achieving the practicality of their actions.

The complexity of today's societies leads to the activation of different roles in each of the people who make up an organization, which allows the inclusion of new ways to organize and interrelate, however, this requires a greater commitment from each of the members to the community, as well as from the state to the citizens and from the organizations to their environments.

All this is a reflection of the movements of transformations that companies have experienced in recent times, therefore, it is necessary to develop organizational structures that allow companies to adapt to the new existing circumstances. Now, it is very important to take into account that it is not possible to establish a structure if there is no organization of the administrative and productive processes.

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In this sense, for the proper functioning of the organization, Socorro (2009) points out that change "requires responsibility, vision, holistic and deep impact", i.e., that management must be aware of the possible consequences that may cause the adoption of these changes in the company, for which it must carry out an analysis of the processes performed administratively and their management.

According to the above, the organizational structures of the companies must give immediate answers to these new demands, not only of the market, but also meet those of the external context, where are the customers, suppliers, environment and community, and in the internal dimension, where are the employees. This is because the organization allows establishing parameters so that employees can correctly perform their role in the organization to achieve the stipulated goals.

Undoubtedly, the organization is understood as one of the fundamental elements of the administration, it is also the fundamental pillar for the good development of the company, therefore it is necessary that there is harmony between the internal and external factors that can affect the company and the organization as such.

I hope you like my article and I would appreciate all your comments.

Bibliographical Reference:

2.- Socorro, F. (2009). Diálogos Gerenciales. Miranda- Venezuela. Editorial Pomaire Venezuela, S.A.
