QUESTION OF THE WEEK SEASON 10.4 - "Is The World Overpopulated And What Can We Do To Solve The Issue?"


Hey lovelies ❤️
It's your favorite girl @debbie-ese 😍
Welcome to my blog 🤗

First and foremost, let's attempt to define what overpopulation is. According to Wikipedia, Overpopulation or overabundance is a phenomenon in which a species' population becomes larger than the carrying capacity of its environment. Cambridge Dictionary defines overpopulation as the fact of a country or city, etc. having too many people for the amount of food, materials, and space available there. In short, overpopulation is the terminology that is used to describe when the number of human beings is beginning to exceed the available resources that is meant for the their survival and this is mostly caused by a rapid increase in childbirth.

Using Africa and some part of Asia as an example, there are so many people living in abject poverty because the resources available is not sufficient to cater for everyone's needs. The level of poverty is a clear indication that the world is overpopulated. The world would not experience this much hardship and suffering if the population is not this much. The natural resources, food, water, social amenities would be at least enough to cater for the immediate needs of everyone if the number of inhabitants are not this much. Therefore, truly the world is overpopulated and it is clearly shown in how the resources are not sufficient for everyone.

Although, we may still argue that the poverty level is so much in the world due to the misappropriation of funds by our government and leaders. On another note, there are still vast areas of lands around the world that are yet to be developed which may be used for Agricultural purposes, industries, housing and so on. If these vast area of lands that are just wasting out there are utilized for good purposes, the world would not feel too overpopulated. In Nigeria for instance, when you are traveling from one state to another you'd pass so many thick forests that are not used for anything productive other than hideouts for bandits and criminals. The world may not feel to overpopulated if these areas are converted to companies, industries, etc that will add to the growth of the world.

Another point to note in this very important topic is the birth and death rate in the world. There are so many births each year around the world with low death rates, this means that we are increasing rapidly and yet we're not increasing, so there are no much spaces for more people, hence, the overpopulation. Of course, the demand for food, water, shelter, and other resources will increase as the population of the world increases. Apart from that, the increase in population means that we have to consistently make use of mechanical equipment to produce our foods, clothings among others daily, thereby increasing the risk of harmful emissions to our environment and damaging our climate.

The issue of overpopulation can be partially controlled by encouraging families not to give birth to too many children that they can not cater for. This is the technique used by China some years back and it worked in reviving their economy and the little resources they have is sufficient for the use of their citizens. This same law could work in the world as a whole if it is being implemented. There are parents who could hardly feed two mouths who are giving birth to five children - this practice is going to adversely affect the population of the world in all ramifications.

Thank you for your time lovelies.
The post is originally written by me 💕@debbie-ese💕


Your comments, criticism and votes are highly appreciated.


Government will only try their best enacting such a law to reduce birth rate but will they be with them in their closet from having sex? The truth is educating them on how increased in birth rates might affect the world´s economy most especially and when families understand this problem, they will learn how to control themselves through contraceptives and pills being provided for them.

Also, Government should focus on diverting money to utilize the abandoned forests everywhere to build more companies and towns to occupy people. Thanks for sharing your view on this topic.
