We're being hunted....

(Unsupported https://www.vimm.tv/ddrfr33k/embed?autoplay=0)

Category: Doom 3

Click here to watch the live stream!

Welcome back to the House of Dancing Arrows! Happy Friday! It's been a hot minute since I streamed. VGM Con was a blast, had a ton of fun showing off The Condemned. I even managed to get enough people to fire off a draft! That was the best part about it, methinks...

We're back in Doom 3 again, picking up where we left off. In the last stream, we ended with the UAC guy turning his security guard into some sort of demon who's now chasing after me. What luck I have...

So now I get to deal with that! Will we evade him? Will we have to fight him? Do we finally get our hands on the BFG 9000? Tune in and find out!

As a reminder, I restarted my Extra Life campaign again! You can go here and donate to help save a kid's life. Who knows? Maybe I'll set up some donation goals for future streams...

This post was generated from a live stream on VIMM
