ESM Daily Picks - June 23 2023 - Pawesome Posts Collection


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ESM Daily Picks - June 23 2023 - Pawesome Posts Collection

Welcome to our daily curation report featuring pawesome contents posted all over Hive communities.

Here at D.Buzz, we want to help support the Hive community and its content creators to grow through engagement with other users in the D.Buzz community.

So if you've been given a badge of Pawesomeness, I'm thrilled to say you've got a chance to be featured in the weekly round-up of posts with the help of D.Buzz's Epic Smile Maker #ESMpicks.

NOTE: The following article was written by a guest blogger. The views expressed are not from directly from, or endorsed by D.Buzz, please let us know in the comments if you have any concerns or questions , or reach out to us on Discord.

Thank you, and keep up the excellent work for your chance to be in the next round of featured articles!
“The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind” –Anthony Bourdain
Let's welcome @norwaylife 👏
These are such beautiful photos from this town! Really gives off the quaint and cozy feel of the place thru your shots and the sceneries, thanks @rob-c for sharing about your wonderful trip here! (●⌒∇⌒●)b
This is a surprisingly simple recipe compared to similar looking flan desserts, but OP's story has such sweetness in tale and warmth in memories from making this and absolutely love the strawberry addition to it in the end! Thanks @akipponn for sharing your delightful recipe for this! 🍮ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Actually new to trying this app and starting with digital art for a change, it's pretty amazing with the types of brushes and pen this offers, brilliant use of reference, thanks @mayorfaruk for sharing your work on this! (๑╹U╹)ノ
Enlightening read! A more detailed explanation to the left or right brained usage when it comes to everyday decision makings, thanks @jhelbich for sharing your article on this! d(^∇^)b

" this way we can create effective strategies by appealing to the basic, emotional and rational instincts of the consumer and thus achieve our objectives."

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Wow!Thank you for including me and my post:)
