ESM Daily Picks - August 25 2023 - Pawesome Posts Collection


ESM Daily Picks - August 25 2023 - Pawesome Posts Collection

Welcome to our daily curation report featuring pawesome contents posted all over Hive communities.

Here at D.Buzz, we want to help support the Hive community and its content creators to grow through engagement with other users in the D.Buzz community.

So if you've been given a badge of Pawesomeness, I'm thrilled to say you've got a chance to be featured in the weekly round-up of posts with the help of D.Buzz's Epic Smile Maker #ESMpicks.

NOTE: The following article was written by a guest blogger. The views expressed are not from directly from, or endorsed by D.Buzz, please let us know in the comments if you have any concerns or questions , or reach out to us on Discord.

Thank you, and keep up the excellent work for your chance to be in the next round of featured articles!
“To be a mother of a son is one of the most important things you can do to change the world. Raise them to respect women, raise them to stand up for others, raise them to care for the Earth, raise them to be kind, compassionate and honest.” ~Shannon L. Alder
Let's welcome @frantiska 👏
These are definitely refreshing photos, kinda agree with OP on the crocodiles though, are you even allowed to take a swim there? If not, guess there's really something in the water...? Thanks for sharing your awesome photos from this trip @kellyane! (●⌒∇⌒●)b
The ambiance of this place looks very cozy! The food looks interesting too, when OP says pumpkin blossom though, is that the toppings for the pizza? Curious indeed, thanks @norwaylife for sharing your photos of this place! (●´・∀・)b
Awesome process! Personally find it hard to already make art the traditional way, and the digital brushes are way smoother on screen surfaces, it's definitely interesting to study art steps like these, thanks @victoradebiyiart for sharing your work on this! (๑╹U╹)ノ
Similar to the saying along the lines of 'if one does something they love, they never have to work a day in their life.' it really doesn't take much effort to find motivation if what one is doing is something they're passionate about, thanks @kutira for sharing your enlightening article about this! d(^∇^)b

When we have a passion to work and to achieve a goal, when we are in full swing of enthusiasm, we achieve more, our maximum potential.

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