



If you delete posts to repost them later... that's abuse, my friend. If you post the same post more than once... that abuse too. This post is almost the exact same as

Even the text is almost the same. You will lose OCD support and possibly get muted here in this community if you don't start doing things the right way. Just because you don't get the votes or views that you would like doesn't justify reposting or deleting and then posting again. I have been one of your biggest supporters and i want to see you continue to succeed here. It's a waste to not do things the right way.

Please check those out when you get some time and make sure NOT to do the things in there it warns against doing. This will explain the things you feel nobody has told you yet. I did see your conversation with HiveWatchers and to see this post makes me sad. Read those and do right bro! You have too much skill and content to let it go to waste of missing out on a few votes.


No brother, my big mistake, I'll delete the post, post thinking that I hadn't posted these photos, and I just saw that if I did, I have many things on my mind lately and I didn't realize it, I wouldn't dare to do something so blatant with exactly the same photos, it would not make sense to me, nor would it be very intelligent, sorry for the mistake


I am very aware of the rules and I am very careful not to make mistakes, but I was afraid that something like this could happen to me, I do not have as much control of all the photos I have, and I have made the mistake of publishing again the same photos that I already I had published, it seems silly to me since I checked before publishing, and I did not notice the previous post, I am very sorry, thank you for continuing to believe in me


That's why I felt that something was wrong when making the post, I had the feeling that I had already done it, and honestly my idea was to publish other photos and not those, but well I have to redeem myself and publish new photos


Notice that the other post you show me, it's not deleted or anything, it's all good, it's because I hadn't noticed that I had already published the same photos, they already told me the community rules and I'm trying to do it at the bottom of the lyrics to avoid problems, because otherwise I would have to withdraw forever from the community


I would say that deleting a post will usually look like a red-flag for curators. Since, on the blockchain, nothing is every really deleted... anyone can see what was edited out or deleted from the original post.

As a photographer, i understand how it can be difficult to keep all your images stored in an organized way. I have issues with that myself. However, i would suggest going through your account and making your own inventory of all the shots you have used so far.

I would (and do) make separate folders for the things i publish on Hive. This would be an easier way to keep up with what you have used and what images you have left to work with for posting purposes.

There have been a lot of scammers and farmers lately... so curators are on-guard more than usual. I figured i would warn you now rather than you continue to make mistakes and end up getting muted or blacklisted. I'm going to downvote your deleted post to remove most of the rewards on that one. But, don't take it personally and just keep on putting effort in and don't recycle etc. Cheers bro!
