Becoming a tribal chief | The best mission so far in Frozen Wild [Audio: ENG / Subtitle: SPA]


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Hi #Hivergamer the adventure in Frozen Wild the DLC of Horizon Zero Dawn continues, and every time it gets more fun. To quickly put you in context and let you know what's going on here, Aloy tries to know what it's causing so much trouble in the frozen lands of the Banuk tribe.

Hi #Hivergamer la aventura en Frozen Wild el DLC de Horizon Zero Dawn continua, y cada vez se pone más divertido. Para ponerlos rápidamente en contexto y sepan que pasa aquí, Aloy trata de saber que está causando tantos problemas en las que siempre fueron las tierras heladas de la tribu Banuk.

Apparently it is another artificial intelligence that corrupts the machines, but to know the details you must go to what the Banuk call the mountain of thunder, but only the Werak or tribal chief of the Banuk can allow it.

Al parecer es otra inteligencia artificial que corrompe a las maquinas, pero para saber los detalles debe ir hasta lo que los Banuk llaman la montaña del trueno, pero solo el Werak o jefe tribal de los Banuk puede permitirlo.

The current boss forbids going, and Aloy challenges him to a hunting competition in order to become a Werak and remove the ban on going to Thunder Mountain and fulfilling his mission. The competition is super challenging, there are endless machines that you must eliminate, but with the additional challenge of doing it before your competition, advancing through quite steep terrain.

El actual jefe prohíbe ir, y Aloy lo desafía a una competencia de caza para poder convertirse en Werak y quitar la prohibición de ir hasta la montaña del trueno y cumplir su cometido. La competencia es super desafiante, salen un sinfín de máquinas que debes eliminar, pero con el desafío adicional de hacerlo antes que tu competencia, avanzando por un terreno bastante escarpado.

Along the way, I did a side quest that allowed me to improve the spear and for the first time to put improvements on it. With the help of a Banuk shaman, I looked in a hangar for a piece of a drone that would make it possible to upgrade the spear, so if you have the Horizon DLC, I recommend you as soon as you reach level 30, play it, because you will definitely It gives better weapons, in addition to improvements for the spear, giving you more power to face all the other machines in the main plot.

En el camino realice una side quest que me permitió mejorar la lanza y por primera vez colocarle mejoras. Con la ayuda de un chamán Banuk, busque en un hangar, una pieza de un dron que haría posible mejorar la lanza, así que, si tienes el DLC de Horizon, te recomiendo a penas alcances el nivel 30, lo juegues, porque definitivamente te da mejores armas, además de las mejoras para la lanza, dándote más poder para enfrentar todas las demás maquinas en la trama principal.

I hope you enjoy this video, as much as I did. See you in a next installment!

Espero que disfruten este video, tanto como yo lo hice. ¡Nos vemos en una próxima entrega!

Images and video taken with PS4 share option
Video edit made with wondershare Filmora

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I need to play this game! The way tribal things and technology were integrated in this creation is really cool.


Horizon Zero Damn is meant to be really good, is it true? I have it for the PS4 just yet to play it and have to install it too. This expansion looks great as well. Do you recommend the game to people?


Yeah it's a great game and that's why the continuation will come out, I recommend it 100%
