What are some bitter truth about human nature


Hello, my esteemed friends on cent platform how are you doing today hope you are having a great day and fun time too.

Well, there is a saying that says truth is like surgery it hurts sometimes but it cures, while lies are like a pain killers they give instant relief but do have side effects that last forever and so you have to choose wisely.

Most people only offer help to people who don't need help hence the rich gets richer that's why Bank gives loan when you can prove you don't any one however in life there is what we call over familiarities it's the chief leader of disrespect.

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People don't change with time but rather their character is revealed with time, life breaks everyone afterward only the strong are being left aside stronger in the broken places sometimes too much of happiness is being overlooked because it doesn't cost anything people only takes value on a price tag.

In the race of life the human race is always known as the biggest hurdle to the human race because nobody is ever fully satisfied till they've been dead a few days since death awaits us all nothing can truly be taken away from us.

In life is literally nothing to loose because if you are too deep for most people they will definitely think that you are a fool indeed life is all in how you look at it and that is why most people are wired to look at it through negative lenses.

Nature imposes needs while the society sells wants most people trade in tomorrow's success for today's pleasure you might as well be yourself because everyone else is already taken the mind is a battlefield.


Life is in different phases or stages were different things happens.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Greetings from @damsel001.
