5 Easy Ways to Teach Politeness to Children from an Early Age


Hi everyone..
It doesn't feel like our baby as time goes by, his age and knowledge also increases, and at the age of five years and under is the right time to teach all knowledge to children, because at that age their brain capture power and memory are still very good, and one of them is to teach manners.

Experts and child psychologists agree that children learn through role models. Therefore, teaching these habits would be better if it was started early by example. Here are some actions that you can teach and get used to your little one.


Here are 5 easy ways to teach manners to children.
1.Hello and Goodbye

Even though your little one can't speak clearly yet, teaching your little one to give 'hello' and 'goodbye' gestures using their hands is the right way. According to Sherly Eberly, author of 365 Manners Kids Should Know, this is the first step in teaching your little one how to recognize and greet people. "One way to practice is to say good morning to other people every day.

2. Sitting While Eating

It's better to get your little one to stay seated while eating than to let him eat while walking or running aimlessly. You can prepare a comfortable highchair or booster seat, so your little one doesn't get bored in that place. You can also invite him to eat together by sitting next to him, so he can imitate you using a spoon while eating.

3. Saying 'Thank you.

Your little one can be taught to say 'thank you' when you give him what he asked for. For example, you give a spoon to use when eating. After you give it, ask him to thank you. You also have to practice saying thank you in everyday life so that your little one can imitate it.

4. Greeting.

Greet an elder by kissing his hand is a form of respect. You can teach it when your little one is 6-7 months old, when he can raise his hand. You can get used to it when your little one meets your friends or relatives by sticking out their right hand when they first meet.

5.Manners at the Dining Table.

When your little one turns 3 years old, he is already proficient in using tableware when eating together. Teach that you should eat with your mouth closed and not speak when your mouth is full of food. You will be proud when your little one is used to this. It takes time, you also have to be patient to teach it.

Friends, those are some easy ways to teach manners to children from an early age, and of course we really hope that our sons and daughters have the character and attitude of courtesy towards us parents and others.

Recommended Bibliographic Reference

[1]5 Easy Ways to Teach Politeness to Children from an Early Age

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