One Cyb'netic Hymn


One Cyb'netic Hymn

|            by @d-pend             |

cybernetic leaves.jpeg

One Cyb'netic Hymn
  - _ - _ - - _ - - _ - _ -  

cybernetic leaves —
and all the ways to leaven trees,
fermentation — of the skies
and all that soars and all that breathes

within the confines of the manna
being bakèd by the sun
upon the oven-land of terra —
all inscribed in bright and dun

lines of sigil and of syllable:
hier'glyphics low and pinnacle —
the breadth of understanding wide
where all the hierarchies divide

to broaden to that older plane,
that ever-all-existing range
of beingnesses crumbling
from ancientness, and mumbling
the blessings of the first few thoughts:
what boons those first few curses wrought!

what beings and edged veins of light
that weave their spirals: winding tight
assembled pledgèd purposes
to roam the wailing wild'nesses,
constructing peaceful fortresses
(those quaint, forbidding fastnesses)
that shelter all the roots and stem
in one cyb'netic hymn.


Writing and images synthesized and compiled
by Daniel Pendergraft for Proof-of-Brain
Community on the HIVE Blockchain
published on August 29, 2021.
Writing is fully original
and can be considered a free-written
blueprint towards eventual completion of a piece
shared and preserved immutably on blockchain.

Images were created by processing
original smartphone photos using
Deep Dream Generator.


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Nice poem @d-pend. I love the imageries the poem paints. I see this as a nature poem...

The grammars (choice of words) are crispy too. From the ‘Writer's Intent', I wish to know your own perspective of the poem for a better understanding!

Thanks in advance


Hey @martinstomisin, I'm glad you liked it and thanks for chiming in on how you see the piece. I will happily comment a little on my "Writer's Intent." :-)

Firstly, I am obliged to give the disclaimer that I believe the meaning of a piece of poetry lives not primarily in the writing of it, but the reading of it. In other words, even for myself, the so-called "author," any given piece I write has no meaning so-to-speak until I am in the moment of reading it — either out loud, or in my head. And then, the meaning will always be subjective, revealed momentarily.

One aspect that I do feel I can easily elucidate is the process in which a given piece came into being.


In this case, the main inspiration for the piece was the first image in this post, which I created with Deep Dream Generator by filtering a smartphone photo of a plant in my backyard after heavy rain when the sun came out — through a collage of screenshots from the game Lost Relics and some public domain images.

combined image

cybernetic leaves.jpeg

source imageprocess image
IMG_5021.pnglostrelics-items-crate-vanquished-trees-circuit-collage-dpend-style (4).png
cybernetic leaves.jpegObserving this image, the phrase "cybernetic leaves" came to mind, along with the intention to create a stream-of-consciousness piece with heavy focus on rhythm and rhyme — in other words, a VERSE poem.

In terms of impetus, that was all — that it be about "cybernetic leaves" and that it should flow rhythmically. As with other poems in which I don't specify a rigid meaning, I tend to gravitate towards speculation about (and ecstatic praise of) the beauty of existence, along with its mysterious origin in (I believe) some kind of cosmic hyperintelligence that in-forms it.

In this piece, I am daydreaming about the veins and patterns of leaves and how they display the masterwork of a living entity we call a plant — which descends from those unspeakably old beings, the first who dreamed such things until they became physical:

of beingnesses crumbling
from ancientness, and mumbling
the blessings of the first few thoughts:
what things those first few curses wrought!

Here also, I am poking fun at the joy — and pain — of existence by referring to those early thoughts (of which we all came) as both blessings and curses.

In the final stanza, I am expressing wonder at all the cells, molecules, bacteria, organs, etc. that make up living things as they "weave their spirals" to form veins for nutrients to flow through — whether blood or the fluid that transports the same in plants, and transitioning into speculating on human beings as a sort of "plant" which roams about, creating purposes of our own, exploring wildernesses and constructing shelters for ourselves in one enormous, terrible, and beautiful "cyb'netic [cybernetic] hymn."

(Note — the purpose of the pronuncation cyb'netic is to better fit the established rhythm of the piece)

Here is the Merriam-Webster's dictionary's current definition of "cybernetics" —


the science of communication and control theory that is concerned especially with the comparative study of automatic control systems (such as the nervous system and brain and mechanical-electrical communication systems)
. . .

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to reflect upon my writing and caring enough to ask about my "Writer's Intent!" Below, for reference, I will show the rhythmic breakdown of the lines. Recently, I have not done well in recording recitations of my poem! This comment reminds me to return to that practice, as I feel it is easier for people to connect to my writing when I record myself speaking them.

Note that in the breakdown below:

  • bold represents a stressed syllable
  • italics represent an unstressed syllable
syllable count
cy·ber·net·ic leaves5
and all the ways to lea·ven trees8
fer·men·ta·tionof the skies7
and all that soars and all that breathes8
with·in the con·fines of the man·na9
be·ing ba·kèd by the sun7
u·pon the o·ven-land of ter·ra9
all in·scribed in bright and dun7
lines of si·gil and of syl·la·ble:9
hier'gly·phics low and pin·na·cle8
the breadth of un·der·stan·ding wide8
where all the hie·rar·chies di·vide8
to broa·den to that ol·der plane,8
that e·ver-all-ex·is·ting range8
of be·ing·nes·ses crum·bl·ing8
from an·cient·ness, and mum·bl·ing8
the bles·sings of the first few thoughts:8
what things those first few cur·ses wrought!8
what be·ings and edged veins of light8
that weave their spi·rals: win·ding tight8
as·sem·bled pled·gèd pur·po·ses8
to roam the wai·ling wild'nes·ses,8
(those quaint, for·bid·ding fast·nes·ses)8
that shel·ter all the roots and stem8
in one cyb'ne·tic hymn.6

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Good notes @d-pend,

Freely given, freely give. It was nice of you to explain the poem in detail and the photo. I always wondered where you got some of your generator photos. The leaf was obvious but what was that cyber part... clueless.

I think it is mostly my interest in language that draws me in to your poems, but I like the way you tie words around biology or another esoteric topic^^

To me all the syllable counting gives me stress...

I just want to ring the bell after the word "Hymn"....

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Wowwwwwwwww! Got a lot to say, but this is really a great work @d-pend. I really appreciate your good work in giving an adequate analysis on your poetry which is overflowing with thoughtfulness, powerful feelings (and many more...) Your poetry is well garnished with poeticness. I enjoyed it better from the “Writer's Intent” — when you gave an analysis about it.

Truly, this reminds me of the period when I was in literature class learning the stylistics and analysis structure of organic poetry; though I'm done with my first degree now, but I still wish to further on in learning more about Creative Writing

But taking “Readers Response Theory" into consideration, I would have given an explanation according to how your poem appears to me which might be a bit different from yours...

Thanks a whole lot for taking your quality time to respond to my question @d-pend


It seems like a long time since I read your poetry. I like to syllables that flow into a climax.

It's really clear in the first stanza

cybernetic leaves —
and all the ways to leaven trees,
fermentation — of the skies
and all that soars and all that breathes

It's not just lines but they paint a picture. I can almost smell this cyb'netic organism. I'm you can get outside and I hope you will love the autumn.

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Thank you for reading @mineopoly :-)

I'm extremely glad that these lines painted a picture for you. You might get a kick out of reading my response to @martinstomisin above.

I can't wait for Autumn! It's already great in Summer. I love having a backyard.

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After the summer rains I can't navigate our backyard. Too many weeds took over. I usually just wait till it is cold and then take care of the weeds.


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Thanks for the analysis lately @d-pend

@mineopoly, you got a lot to do there, hope it doesn't attract any dangerous animal. And hopefully you'll sort that out later...


to roam the wailing wild'nesses

That sounds like something I'd do. Except sometimes it's me wailing, not the wild'nesses…


Much appreciate the poem @d-pend.

Cyb'netic hymn leaves me thirsting for Spring. It is the rhyme and placement of words that carries me through the poem and humbles me to appreciate the miracle of life and join in the pleasant hymn.

Thank you. I come to read this at a moment I need a hymn to give rest to my body and soul. This leaves us with !WINE and !LUV

