Lying is Simply a Necessary Evil


Living like a liar is no good. Living an honest life is what most people want deep down inside them but in reality, it is difficult to live a life full of lies. In this post, I will focus on the feeling that people experience when they are honest with themselves and others, how society affects the choices people make in their relationships, and how honesty can push someone to become better in some way.

In my opinion, honest life is exhausting so that makes it difficult and we should also focus more on improving our inner world so that we can move towards more real happiness and joy.

The hardest thing about being perfectly honest is the pervasiveness of being lied to. By practicing compulsive honesty, one risks more times than they want; the loss of relationships, and feelings with each other.

The truth or lie can be determined through observation as well as his or her sincerity. Fulfilling an individual's desires comes with possessing much understanding, but attempting to put on a facade also becomes difficult.

Humans often find themselves full of lies and lies they wear proudly because they are reassuring to their self-esteem; but other times, when they come face-to-face with the truth, it provokes a horrible feeling and causes unnecessary pain.

The culture of the only thing being "real" is the one in which everyone is present and acts fairly according to their character and is limited in scope. There has never been a point in time where everyone had an equal chance at being sure of what was happening or prior knowledge of every occurrence around them.

Therefore, people tend to lie for convenience or for comfort which gives them breathing room of sorts from responsibility when somewhere down the road if things don't turn out how they expected them to go. A counterpart exists where telling the truth is a good thing to do, and a lie is a bad thing to do. The more often people lie, the less trust they have in each other, which can lead to even more problems. People are more likely to lie because they don't want others to know their weaknesses or that they have no control over something. It's easier than saying "I'm sorry" because it's not admitting fault.

Lying is one of the ways society has found to codify its observations about reality. From an early age, children learn not to lie, and grow into adulthood where they learn how to deceive each other in the interest of happiness.

Some people might say that lying is simply a necessary evil, while others might say that it is a mistake on the moral spectrum that we must avoid at all costs. There are also some who believe that honesty reigns supreme in all facets of human existence, making any act of deception inexcusable.

Bottom line

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