Living a life that is at my own pace and preferred timing

I always thought about doing things at my own pace and when I felt they were right for me. This is the principle that I'm trying to put my life into, I realized it recently when I felt that I have to be mature enough with the way I decide about the direction that I will take and the pacing that will work out for me.

It is not easy to remain calm when I have such a keen interest in the pursuit that I want to achieve my goals. That's particularly true for me when I was young. I wanted to learn quickly back then, as well as gain wealth rapidly. It made me feel as if I'd always had a sense of urgency to make things happen. That's what made me miss a lot of important things in my life. It's happening to me when I do things too quickly.

It seems to me that by taking a break and thinking about how our lives are going, we'll benefit from it sooner rather than later. It's not clear at first, 'cause we tend to focus so much on achieving our goals for ourselves. When we realize that the way we're going is not what we had in mind, it becomes clear to us.

If I've ever regretted one thing in life, it's not to follow a mentor who can give me advice when things go wrong and don't know the right course of action. Life learning is not as easy as reading books, because we don't think about the events in our lives that can't be thought of with a book. It's going to require learning from our past experiences.

What if you don't have the experience?

That's the question I didn't answer the right way before I moved on with my life. I thought I'd just live my life, and I'd be able to deal with all the challenges, and I'd be successful. That's what I was wrong about. It isn't easy to assume that life will turn around, no matter what we're going through. We will need guidance from someone who knows how to deal with the challenges we're facing.

Today, I'm trying to catch a break from time to time and hear what the more educated people in my own life have to say when I sense confusion about the direction of my life.

There are a lot of good lessons that can be learned from experience.

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Yes @curamax, it's always good to Learn from experience.
Choosing one's direction and pace is great, but it wise to learn from those who have gone before us.
