Mantenimiento a impresora 3d // Maintenance for a 3D printer [ES-EN]


Selfie reparando impresora / Selfie repairing a printer.

Cada equipo dado su uso continuo es necesario realizarse un mantenimiento, esto con el fin de preservarlo y mantenerlo en optimas condiciones. Normalmente los mantenimientos se basan en el tiempo de uso, esto quiere decir que cada tanta hora se debe realizar un chequeo, limpieza o en su defecto cambio de piezas.

Each equipment, given its continuous use, requires maintenance in order to preserve it and keep it in optimal conditions. Typically, maintenance is based on usage time, which means that a check-up, cleaning, or replacement of parts should be done every so often, depending on the number of hours of use.

Pieza y engrenes / Piece and gears

Maquina desarmada / Machine disassembled

Hoy día me toco realizar un mantenimiento a mi impresora, puesto que ya tenia 3 meses aproximado sin una revisión y es por lo que decidí poner manos a la obra. Empezando por el desarme completo de la misma separando pieza por pieza para determinar el estado de cada una.

Today, I had to perform maintenance on my printer since it had been approximately 3 months without a check-up, and that's why I decided to take matters into my own hands. I started by completely disassembling it, separating each part to assess the condition of each one.

Extrusor totalmente sucio / Extruder completely dirty

Hablare un poco de forma genérica y generalizada para no ser aburrido; tratare de mencionar las partes para no decirle “coso o cosito”; al tenerla completamente desarmada empecé a limpiar lo mas importante que es la “extrusora”; esto le da vida a lo que es la impresión 3d porque es lo que funde el plástico y quedan residuos de plástico tirados o pegados en el mismo.

I will speak in a generic and generalized manner to avoid being boring; I will try to mention the parts instead of using terms like "thing" or "little thing." With the printer completely disassembled, I began by cleaning the most important part, which is the "extruder." This component is crucial for 3D printing as it melts the plastic, and plastic residues can accumulate or get stuck in it.

Ventilador totalmente lleno de sucio / Fan completely filled with dirt

Se nota la cantidad de uso que se le a dado, en este caso solamente limpiare dado que actualmente cuento con una sola boquilla la de 0.4 mm que es mi fiel compañera. Seguido por verificación del estado del sensor de temperatura y el mismo calefactor.

It's evident the amount of use it has received. In this case, I will only perform a cleaning since I currently have a single nozzle, the 0.4 mm one, which is my faithful companion. Next, I will proceed to check the condition of the temperature sensor and the heating element.

Calefactor el que genera la temperatura y el sensor el que mide la temperatura.

Heater is the component that generates the temperature, and the sensor is the one that measures the temperature.

Asi estaba de tanto trabajo / That's how it was after so much work.

Luego verificar estado de los tubos donde desplaza el filamento y sus engranes, los ventiladores de refrigeración que estaban llenos de tierra los limpie, asi poco a poco fui limpiando y ajsutando hasta que se volvió a armar la impresora 3d, realice varias pruebas físicas de impresión y quedo toda operativa para seguir con sus labores.

Then, I checked the condition of the tubes where the filament moves and their gears. I cleaned the cooling fans, which were filled with dirt. Gradually, I continued cleaning and adjusting until the 3D printer was reassembled. I performed several physical printing tests, and it is now fully operational to resume its tasks.
No me metí con el software porque no tenía ningún problema.
I didn't tamper with the software because I didn't have any issues with it.
Imágenes propias; Videos/ Own images and Videos ©2023.
