JUGANDO FALL GUYS // Playing Fall Guys [ES-EN]

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Adicto a Fall Guys // Addicted to Fall Guys

Hey Hey Hey mi gente!!!

Hey hey hey, my people!!!

Hoy quise disfrutar de un juego que había visto por youtube, pense que era un juego para niños pero no es un juego totalmente emocionante... Si... Así como lo estas leyendo. Este juego nada mas y nada menos es Fall Guys un juego donde encontraras distintos tipos de competencias y tienes que demostrar tus habilidades, no solo eso sino que también tienes que demostrar online que puedes ir clasificando, a medida que vayas jugando te van recompensando con skins o diferentes accesorios los cuales puedes comprar también por la tienda. Todo tiene un costo por la skin mas costosa.

Today I wanted to enjoy a game that I had seen on YouTube. I thought it was a game for kids, but it turned out to be a really exciting game... Yes, just as you're reading it. This game is none other than Fall Guys, a game where you'll find various types of competitions and you have to showcase your skills. Not only that, but you also have to prove online that you can qualify. As you keep playing, you are rewarded with skins and different accessories, which you can also buy from the store. Everything comes with a cost, with the most expensive skin having the highest price.

You can find it on EPIC GAMES.

Lo puedes encontrar en EPIC GAMES

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Partida de escuadrones clasificados / Squad Ranked Match

Esperando para iniciar la partida / Waiting to start the match

banner y separadores de @ikasumanera // banner and separators of @ikasumanera

Imágenes propias; Videos/ Own images and Videos ©2023.

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Ah this post reminded me of the days when we used to play with @perceval @therealflaws @oldfool and others. It was fun. I think it would be better if you add English subtitles to your video or talk more about the game you played in your post mate.


Those were good times, I remember the time when we played a lot in the discord, I think we played like 12 people if I'm not mistaken haha.
