Vestimos a nuestro gatito de santa - una experiencia maravillosa para celebrar en navidad / We dressed our kitty as santa - a wonderful experience to celebrate at christmas


🎄❤️ Bienvenidos a mi Blog @cristzullys ❤️🎄

🎄❤️ Welcome to my Blog @cristzullys❤️🎄


Hola amigos de la comunidad de @Hivepets, hoy quiero compartir con ustedes unas divertidas fotos que le realizamos a mi hermoso hijo gatuno Michigán, un adorable momento que disfrutamos en familia con motivo de acercarse la fecha de noche buena. Les cuento que mi gato lo disfruto muchísimo, jajaja se quedaba tranquilo y posaba para sus fotos relajado, primera vez que logramos hacerle buenas fotos, por eso creemos que le gusto tanto como a nosotros, sin duda alguna serán unas fotos que permanecerán en el tiempo y que podremos utilizar para inmortalizar este gran momento navideño espero les guste.

Hello friends of the @Hivepets community, today I want to share with you some fun photos that we took of my beautiful cat son Michigán, an adorable moment that we enjoyed as a family on the occasion of the Christmas Eve date approaching. I tell you that my cat really enjoyed it, hahaha he stayed calm and posed for his photos relaxed, the first time we managed to take good photos, that is why we believe that he likes it as much as we do, without a doubt they will be photos that will remain in time and that we can use to immortalize this great Christmas moment. I hope you like it.

La verdad es que nos sentimos muy felices al ver como Michigán se quedaba relajado y tranquilo posando para las fotos, honestamente sentimos que le gusto estar disfrutando de su gorro, jajajaja como ya le comenté él jamás suele quedarse tranquilo para hacerle fotos, por eso esta vez nos sorprendió y además lleno nuestro dia de ternura y mucha felicidad.

The truth is that we were very happy to see how Michigán stayed relaxed and calm posing for the photos, we honestly felt that he liked to be enjoying his hat, hahaha, as I already mentioned, he never usually stays calm to take photos, that's why this Once we were surprised and also filled our day with tenderness and much happiness.






Este momento nos sirvió para reflexionar muchas cosas y valorar cada momento que la vida nos regala, ademas nos hizo entender que así como muchos animales, Michis como cariñosamente le decimos en casa, es un Gato afortunado porque llegó a un hogar y una familia que diariamente le da lo mejor de si para su bienestar y desarrollo. No les voy a negar que a veces es muy tremendo, especialmente porque le gusta comer muchísimo, pero a pesar de estar en etapa de crecimiento es tranquilo y juguetón. Le encanta estar en compañía y es el guardia de nuestro hogar.

This moment helped us to reflect on many things and value each moment that life gives us, it also made us understand that like many animals, Michis, as we affectionately call him at home, is a lucky cat because he came to a home and a family that daily gives you the best of itself for your well-being and development. I am not going to deny that sometimes he is very terrible, especially because he likes to eat a lot, but despite being in the growth stage he is calm and playful. He loves to be in company and is the guardian of our home.


Los animales definitivamente son almas tiernas e inocentes, que llegan a nuestra vida para llenar ciertos vacío emocionales, tristezas heridas y la transforman en energía buena y positiva que nos hace sentir vivos, alegres y muy positivos ante todos los escenarios que la vida nos presenta. Michigán es un gato con mucha suerte, y la verdad soy afortunada con su llegada a mi vida porque me siento muy bien desde que esta conmigo, me complementa y llena de alegria saber que esta compartiendo conmigo que en estas fechas aunque mi familia no esta completa, estará él conmigo, y es que definitivamente los cambios a veces vienen acompañado de grandes cosas y entre esas cosas maravillosas esta el.

Animals are definitely tender and innocent souls, who come into our life to fill a certain emotional void, wounded sadness and transform it into good and positive energy that makes us feel alive, happy and very positive before all the scenarios that life presents us. Michigán is a very lucky cat, and the truth is I am fortunate with his arrival in my life because I feel very good since he is with me, he complements me and fills me with joy knowing that he is sharing with me that at this time although my family is not complete He will be with me, and it is definitely that changes are sometimes accompanied by great things and among those wonderful things is him.



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que suerte que se dejo poner todo xD los míos salen corriendo ajajaj


I'm really surprised when I see cats with clothes on, that they have stayed still for the photos. You mention that your cat doesn't sit still, but with the Christmas hat he does, we can assume he likes having the hat. 10 points for Michigan!
