A little getaway and a COFFEE ☕ // Una escapadita y un CAFÉ ☕ [Esp-Eng]



Hola 🙋 ¿Cómo están hoy? Deseo de todo corazón que estén muy bien, gozando de buena salud y degustando de un riquísimo café ☕ o té 🍵

Yo me he sentido un poco cansada en estos días porque también he tenido muchos oficios y pendientes que resolver. Nada del otro mundo por lo que no hay por qué preocuparse. ¡Nada que un buen café en compañía de un ser querido no pueda calmar! ¿Cierto?

Hello 🙋 How are you today? I sincerely wish you are very well, enjoying good health and tasting a delicious coffee ☕ or tea 🍵.

I have been feeling a little tired these days because I have also had many trades and pending to solve. Nothing to worry about, nothing that a good coffee in the company of a loved one can't calm down, right?


Mi hermana es una de las personas más especiales de mi vida, ella es el pariente más cercano que tengo. Su familia me ha brindado apoyo siempre que lo he necesitado. Ella tiene un corazón noble, es servicial, amable y muy divertida.

Hacía tiempo que no pasábamos un momento juntas solo ella y yo. Aprovechando que salimos a realizar unas diligencias ella me invitó a tomar un café y comer pastelitos de hojaldre. ¡Son mis favoritos!

My sister is one of the most special people in my life, she is the closest relative I have. Her family has given me support whenever I have needed it. She has a noble heart, she is helpful, kind and a lot of fun.

It had been a long time since we had spent a moment together, just her and me. When we went out to run some errands she invited me for coffee and puff pastries, they are my favorite!


La verdad es que entramos a comprar el pan del día. El pan que venden en esta panadería es delicioso. Ya cuando nos disponíamos a salir ella me detuvo e hizo la invitación. Nos sentamos una vez que mi hermana pagó lo que había pedido. No tardó mucho el mesonero en traer el pedido.

The truth is that we went in to buy the bread of the day. The bread they sell in this bakery is delicious. As we were about to leave, she stopped me and made the invitation. We sat down once my sister paid for what she had ordered. It didn't take long for the waiter to bring the order.


Aquí sirven el café muy caliente. ¡Que quema! Así que siempre nos tomamos el tiempo para conversar un poco y degustar de los ricos pastelitos.

Here they serve the coffee very hot, it burns! So we always take the time to chat a bit and taste the delicious pastries.


Pedimos pastelitos rellenos de jamón y queso. Uno para cada una. No estaban tan calientes por lo que pude comerlo sin pausa.

We ordered pastries filled with ham and cheese. One for each of us. They were not so hot so I could eat them without pause.


A esta hora la panadería estaba algo desocupada. Pude ver las nuevas persianas que estaban recién instaladas. Aún estaba en el lugar el señor que las montó. Le mostraba a los encargados el funcionamiento de las mismas. Me parece buenísimo porque en estos días ha hecho un sol inclemente. Para los que buscamos sentarnos cerca a las ventanas será una desventaja porque impide ver el panorama externo, pero a la vez nos protegerá de los rayos del sol.

By this time the bakery was somewhat unoccupied. I could see the new blinds that had just been installed. The man who installed them was still on site. He was showing the managers how they worked. I think it's great because it has been very sunny these days. For those of us who want to sit close to the windows it will be a disadvantage because it prevents us from seeing the outside view, but at the same time it will protect us from the sun's rays.




Mi hermana se distrajo un poco atendiendo la llamada de su esposo mientras yo tomaba las fotografías. Me comí todo el pastelito y el de ella aún estaba entero.

My sister was a little distracted taking her husband's phone call while I took the pictures. I ate the whole cupcake and hers was still whole.


¡Al fin se enfrió un poco el café! ¡A tomar! Necesitaba un trago de café ya. Justo este día no preparamos café antes de salir de casa y se podrán imaginar la ansiedad por probarlo. Mi hermana me pidió que tomara con calma y le dejara la mitad. Solo compró uno para compartir. Estos café son muy buenos, con 1$ compramos una taza grande y alcanzó para ambas.

The coffee's finally cooled down a bit! Let's drink it! I needed a sip of coffee already. Just this day we didn't prepare coffee before leaving home and you can imagine how anxious I was to try it. My sister asked me to take it easy and leave her half. She only bought one to share. These coffees are very good, with 1$ we bought a big cup and it was enough for both of us.


Solo nos dejaron un poquito de azúcar, pero fue suficiente para endulzarlo.

They only left us a little bit of sugar, but it was enough to sweeten it.



Pasamos un ratito muy ameno. Aprovechamos que mi mamá estaba en sus terapias para hacer algunas compras por los comercios cercanos, además de tomarnos este divino y cremoso café. Lo pedimos marrón; es más café que leche. Así nos gusta a las dos.

We had a very pleasant time. We took advantage of the fact that my mom was in her therapies to do some shopping in the nearby stores, besides drinking this divine and creamy coffee. We ordered it brown; it is more coffee than milk. That's the way we both like it.


Antes estas reuniones entre hermanas eran más frecuentes. Ahora pasamos mucho más tiempo en nuestras casas ocupándonos de nuestras familias. Por eso es que me siento muy feliz comentándoles sobre este nuevo episodio de mi vida, en el que indudablemente no podia faltar un encuentro con el café.

In the past, these meetings between sisters were more frequent. Now we spend much more time at home taking care of our families. That is why I am very happy to tell you about this new episode in my life, in which a meeting with coffee was undoubtedly a must.


Le hice el ofrecimiento de una próxima visita a LA PANADERÍA MONAGAS, ubicada en MONAGAS-VENEZUELA para probar cada uno de los dulces que ví en los exhibidores 😋

I made him the offer of an upcoming visit to LA PANADERÍA MONAGAS, located in MONAGAS-VENEZUELA to try each of the sweets I saw in the displays 😋.





Solo le pediré que escoja y nos sentaremos a comer. ¡Gracias hermana @linita por esta invitacion, la disfruté mucho!

I'll just ask her to choose and we'll sit down for lunch. Thank you sister @linita for this invitation, I enjoyed it very much!



Nos retiramos con los respectivos panes que compramos cada una y nos dirigimos a la clínica a buscar a mi mamá. Aquí se terminó el paseo. Espero que ustedes también tengan oportunidades para estar con sus seres queridos. Cualquier momento y lugar es bueno para los encuentros con familiares, amigos y una buena TAZA DE CAFÉ.

We left with the respective loaves of bread that we each bought and headed to the clinic to pick up my mom. This is the end of the tour. I hope you also have opportunities to be with your loved ones. Any time and place is good for gatherings with family, friends and a good cup of coffee.


Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad. Edité con Polish. Usé el traductor de Deelp. Mil gracias por leer.

All photos are my property. I edited with Polish. I used Deelp translator. Thank you very much for reading.




A good cup of coffee and a delicious pastry solves problem 😄 it's nice that you get a little day out despite your stresses.


Hi friend 🙋 that's right. A moment of relaxation enjoying the divine coffee and the pleasant company of my sister was a true moment of rest. I needed it and hadn't realized it.


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Hello @creacioneslelys,
It's the little things that mean to most sometimes, and coffee is top of the list.
Taking the time to enjoy a drink and pastry with the ones dear to us can do us wonders.
Have a nice day:)


Hi. That's right. My mood improved a lot.
Thanks for stopping by! Regards.


Hi Lelys

Hmmm those patries look divine. What I would give for a custard donut now! I guess that's a mission for tomorrow now.

Looks like you had a wonderful afternoon out together. 🙂


We had a very pleasant time.
We both needed it. Also the coffee and cakes were very good.

Greetings to all of us.
