A Bad Experience


Hello Dear Hive Members, i hope you guys are having fun with your family and friends.
It was not a good day for me as one of the clock that came to my shop for repairing is broken from me. While i was cleaning it during repairing , it suddenly slipped from my hand and fell on the ground and broken into pieces.


It was beautiful and an expensive wall clock , so i had to pay the customer from my own pocket as i was responsible for the loss. This made me disappointed as i am already struggling financially these days.

Well, i will be more careful in the future to avoid further loss of this kind. I have noticed one thing that such incidents occur when one is already passing through the tough times.

On the other hand , temperature is getting lower here, the weather is changing. The hot days will be gone in approximately 2 more weeks. Night time its already cold here, only day time its hot here.

Thats it for today.
Thanks for reading.
What do you think about my today's topic? Let me know your thoughts in comment section.
In the end i would like to Wish you and your family a happy day ahead. Stay Blessed.

About Author
@coolguy222 is a crypto trader and content creator on hive blockchain. He also runs a small business of Mobile accessories and Wrist watches. He loves to make new friends.


Ouch! I felt the fall and smash as though I was there. So sorry, sad happenings does have a ripple effect, we sometimes have to break the chain with good vibes as you look up for better days. Choose happy and think happy. 💕!HUG
