The World And The Wisdom Acquired : #POB-WOTW Challenge



Human beings are not satisfied with the creation around them. They tend to have the guts to question the works of nature, by making the creator inferior. Whatever way, your creator is always the superior because he has dim it fit to create you to your satisfaction. There are laws we must obey in life which are the laws of the land kept in place by the one who created us. He never wants us to deviate from those words and we must do by all means to keep these laws as they are the ones that can keep us on track in life. They are made to carry this world to a better place and also to make this world a better place to be, such as being free from those who are ready to keep malice.

Some malicious people are not ready to adapt and accept these very creators because they have the guts to do and undo things on their own. There is no land without law and a world without laws from the creator of such a world is not and never called a world. No one would live in such a world without committing sins.

The world of ages and the creator who never gives up but keeps on making his people the best. Solomon was given the power of knowledge and he got abundant of what he asked of which after frailty will still keep on to his generations and even far ahead to come. It kept on with this same fact from generation to generation. This is why King Solomon was given more than he demanded. He acquired the wisdom to rule and to make those who are in discord settled without bloodshed. The wisdom of the earth was derived from King Solomon. What would a king do without wisdom? This is why wisdom is Paramount to our daily doings.

All human beings were supposed to have a hive of knowledge to make them associate with the world and the communities they lived in. When you acquire such knowledge, you will have the best sense of humanity and have the ability to remain in unity and harmony. The division will be made so far from you instead, you will be made to have cooperation among yourself in a combined SOCIETY.

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Our creator made us aware that there won't be an argument, not until a divided agent came between humanity to create and makes malice reign amongst the beautiful creature of our creator. Belief is one thing we must all have in this immediate world around us because once such a hive of knowledge is broken, time cannot amend it.

James once went to school to acquire knowledge and make wisdom his priority. He aimed to come out to face this malicious world and a world of frailty that keeps moving to reality. How can he fulfil his long-awaited dreams? This is why he has to make people around him close and remove any forms of discord from his trait which may lead to his setback of what he has planned. Planning is important to push one's life ahead of life.

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James brought to himself the power of unity to bring his wisdom to the wisest place. He, for sure acquired that which he longed for. Bringing people together as part of his characteristics and he succeeded in unity.

In a frailty strength, there is every tendency to remain the weakest instead of being the strongest.

This is a proofofbrain contest organised by @scholaris and you can join #POB-WOTW

Header Image is taken by me...

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I read this write up and I would like say I love the way your dream works


Read it critically and you will it is more than that...
