Health Benefits Of Water Leaf.


Health Benefits Of Water Leaf.


Water Leaf has numerous health benefits in the body. In

  • Stroke: Although it is Not easy to cure stroke, but in this case, water leaf can be used to cure stroke. The fact remains that, to every sickness, while curing it, it can stay for some time before it can finally be cured or reduced. So, to cure stroke, there is a way it is been done which is: - cook some quantity of the leaves. Add some water in the pot used. Allow to get half cooked and then drop from the fire. Sieve the water out and allow to get cooled a bit. Then, drink a glass of the sieved water three times daily. Do this for several times and for some weeks,.then you shall see some effects. When it is done, the vain will strengthen up and open for the free flow of blood.


  • It is used to cleanse the body system of either a baby or an adult.

Process: After discovering the way your child is behaving, either squeezing his body or so, you need to squeeze some quantity of water leaves inside a plate. Then, use a pipe which is having means of pump. Then pour the squeezed water inside the hose and inserted it inside the child's anus. Pump in the water inside his or her anus. After some hours, the child will excrete everything out. This serves as a medium to purify the blood system of the child. This is also applicable to the adults and same process is involved.
