Beauty Of Education


What do I think about education ? How necessary is it ? How should education be ? What do you usually do to educate yourself ?

Education is the act of giving instruction or clear understanding to something. Education can be formal and also informal.

Informal education:

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it is not the education that we all receive while we were still with our oare ta or the kind of education we receive in our parents house or at home. There is a saying that charity begins at home and when you do not play your part well towards the aspect of education, that is home training, it will become difficult for you to cope in the outside world. Informal Education to me is the best so far because the good and bad morals come from this kind of education. Some children are spoiled today due to lack of home training while some are good just because their parents trained them well and then are following in their parents footsteps. There are so many girls who do not know how to cook but have been with their parents for so long before getting married. These girls turned out to have broken homes just because of the lack of home training.

Your good deeds or bad deeds start from home and so we must always try our best to be at our best when it comes to formal education because home training is the best in life. There are so many people put there who do not have parents but yet they tend to guide themselves to mingle with the outside world and also try their best to inculcate good Morals in wherever they are and to whoever that adopted them. So, having informal education is what no one would run from. No matter who you are or where you might be, you all have a childhood story. No matter what you are or where you might be, whether you have parents or foster parents, you still have home training which may be good or bad depending on who you grew up with.

Formal education:

Formal education is the means during which one has to learn outside the home but either from school or from anywhere where you have to learn something different from your home or something from the outside world. If you want to move forward or you want to get involved in some trades or the other, you need to undergo formal education as this will grant you access to work successfully. Formal education comes with certification and rewards. This certificate will be presented to wherever you are going to or to whichever work you wished to do.

So, both formal and informal work hand to hand and can be of great benefit if you get involved in the two phases of Education.

So, Education is necessary in this realm and we must all have the right to partake in it as this can make us the best in life. There is no one who does not have the two. So, Education is important in life because without it we cannot remain in this world. We are here together just because of the kind of education.

Educating myself is of the greatest benefit as this is just to help me elevate myself in the realm of life. I'm a teacher and I know how important Education is to humanity and so I took it so seriously and I have special ways of advising my students and those around me to get involved with Education.

Advice To People:

My advice to you all is for you to get yourself involved with education as this can bring you to a state of achieving your goals in life.

I'm promoting @ygalue90 post Let us allow for the proper development of our students' intellectual capacity.

  I constantly love to point out to my students that they should always focus on performing any activity, both school and any other, in the most efficient way possible, and so I try to activate a habit related to the development of their intellectual capacity because I think that our intelligence is linked to the efficient way of doing things, that is, the best way to deal with an educational approach or a certain problem of everyday life, this attracts their attention, which is our main goal. 

I love this statement as this is applicable to our students. We should always allow our students to try new things and to try things that can develop their knowledge


We all have different types of education in which you have listed above about the allowing of students to try new things to develop them with the knowledge they have.


Education is a way of life for me. The day you should stop learning should be the day you no longer exist on Earth.
Every information one is opportune to hear is useful in one way or another, so we should always be ready to develop our knowledge in anyway we can.
Thank you so much @cool08 for this beautiful piece.


Education is very important, I think a lot of people forget that there is more to educating than a classroom.


Education is important, both formal and informal as this can improve our development and help us survive as human being in the society and also would help us become successful in our field in life. @dreemport


Education is the best legacy. With education the World can be saved and our future,bright


You are right. Education has brought us out of ignorant.


Education be it at school or any other form is vital to one's growth and development. One should never stop learning just because school days or years are over :)


You are right. This is why most people excel even when they did not go to school.
