RE: Day 1976: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: pen knife


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This is my entry for today's 5 minute freewrite initiative:

Knives are something that have always caught my attention, due to the aspect of collecting and repairing each one, and having a different style within the great variety that exists, I have a universe of options to enjoy. Before, I used to collect Swiss Army knives of different sizes, nowadays I don't have any, but I really enjoy watching the restoration videos of them. This process of restoring old objects, knives and different things, the truth seems very interesting to me.

I learn a lot by watching the process, and I study the different techniques they use to restore them. Some use vinegar, others electrolysis to remove rust, and others even remove yellowing stains from polymer surfaces using hydrogen peroxide and ultraviolet lights.

The point of all this is that knives are so interesting, especially the ones that have multiple gadgets, which are tools to perform any task, from cutting a piece of paper with scissors, to having a can opener or a mini hammer.

I'm a big fan of these restoration things, and I'm sharing a video where they restore a 400-year-old razor.
