RE: Russia-Ukraine War 2022: Winners and Losers (Part One: Losers)


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I'm glad that you start this by the existence of other wars and conflicts in the world, no one is talking about. It's clear that many citizens are the losers in this case. Especially thanks to mention that Russians are victims as well. And that the mass media and even social media are welcoming any violence against simple citizens, while they have nothing to do with the war. Politicians stay with clean hands and citizens now are criminals. Just like those who protested to protect their freedom, in all the world were called criminals just because they didn't want the medical tyranny to happen, now people just for living in a country are discriminated by those who act like they fight it. You can check what @baah is sharing in his comments. That could be helpful. A lot of information is already exposed, that's why I decided to care more about my family and don't discuss the topic that much. There are people who are doing that more professionally. I rather just write my opinion and try to spread the detailed content about that.

For example : Garland Nixon, The Dive with Jackson Hinkle, WeAreChange and Salty Cracker. And there are many who see the big picture and learn about the situation without emotions or taking sides. It's a big dirty show created to create those losers who talked about, but the hands of politician stay clear. They always do the dirty work with the hands of others.


The fact that these people are willing to deny this


Says everything.

I questioned the people who have the most to lose in this war, if no Nazi are in power, why are there laws against protesting for peace in Donbass!?

I asked why the Azov Militant Nazi, didn't listen to their own President when he demanded they pull out of Donbass, no response.

I asked even more salient questions, such as why the Vast Overwhelming Majority of people from Donbass have fled to Russia, if they know that Russia is the only one indiscriminately bombing them there, like @scrodinger suggests, over 1.7 million fled to Russia since the start of the war in Donbass.

The atrocities are recorded and the facts keep piling up. The Ukrainian government keeps touting prisoners of war which they use as evidence of Russian crimes as the despicable people support this Scripted Testimony, which wouldn't be admissible in any court, as no rights are honored, especially rights against self incrimination and for proper representation. Despicable.


The public are being used to push the changes that Governments really want. The Government can then claim it is the will of people rather than their own. The media appear to have been effective at brainwashing people into supporting much of the madness.
