Smart working: Alienating?



First time in the company since the beginning of the new year. Smart Working was made necessary by the advent of the pandemic but, although the latter is now being overcome, the tool used by millions of workers is here to stay.

In fact, companies have invested in the new type of work and have understood that it can bring advantages for the worker, who can easily work from home, amortizing expenses, and for the company, which saves on the costs of being in the office.

But what long-term effects can smart working cause? I've been using it for 3 years now, there are only a few times that the company has requested my presence on site. Unfortunately, relationships with colleagues, many of whom have become friends, remain an unbridgeable aspect and many of whom have gone away during this time without even having greeted them with a handshake.

Today I'm at the office and I've seen new and old colleagues, some I haven't seen for 3 years and it's clear how much they've changed in this period. I imagine they will think the same of me. What a strange life. Everything happens suddenly and then who knows how it will go. In my break, while walking outside, I saw that the company has installed Amazon Locker for employees. A useful tool for those who work and have no possibility of being present at home for the courier's delivery. A valid initiative, praised by many colleagues. This is how things change, in this case for the better ☺️

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Credo che lo smart working come ogni cosa abbia dei pro e dei contro, sicuramente per quel che riguarda i rapporti umani con i colleghi si perde un bel pò, credo questo sia compensato da altri vantaggi poi ovviamente ogni cosa dipende dai punti di vista e dalle esigenze di ognuno.
