Positioning makes the difference: Lava Spider vs Lava Spider [ENG/ESP]


Lava spider vs Lava spider.jpg

One of the most important things in Splinterlands, is the position you place the cards, it seems simple but it is more complex than it seems, and undoubtedly that makes the difference. Many users make mistakes and that results in certain defeat, it has happened to me countless times, but analyzing a little, it is one of the ways we have to learn.

Splinterlands is a game of pure strategy, where the best strategist will get the victory over his rival, and the weekly challenge that Splinterlands poses is quite interesting, playing with cards that many of us do not usually use and thus give it a proper use.

Lava Spider is this week's card, a common rarity card that has the Sniper ability. An ability that focuses on attacking opposing monsters in the second position that have ranged attack or magic, it is one of the essential abilities of this game as it allows us to go for the monsters that support the opposing card in the first position.

Lava Spider level 1.png

Being a monster with this ability can not be used in the first position because it will not attack unless the battle condition allows it, so we must place it in the second row, but where will we do it? Important question, and this is where the winning strategy lies.

Below I show you one of the correct ways to use it, and how my opponent mistakenly used it, that made the difference in our battle giving me the victory.

Lava spider vs lava spider turns.jpg

Battle link

My strategy apart from placing it in the penultimate position, was to protect it with "Radiated Scorcher", a card that has 1 mana and is useful to use it as a shield, as well as the cards that have 0 mana, that gives it a better utility than putting it to attack. My opponent did not use well his Spider lava placing it in the first position of the second row, that made that in the second turn she was already dead.

As a conclusion I must say that the positions in Splinterlands are fundamental, here is a clear example of how a battle can become victory or defeat.

Other Battle

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Separador splinterlands.png

La posicion marca la diferencia: Lava Spider vs Lava Spider

Lava spider vs Lava spider.jpg

Una de las cosas mas importantes en Splinterlands, es la posicion como colocas las cartas, parece algo simple pero es mas complejo de lo que parece, y sin lugar a dudas eso hace la diferencia. Muchos usuarios cometen errores y eso trae como consecuencia una derrota segura, a mi me ha pasado en incontables oportunidades, pero analizando un poco, es una de las formas que tenemos para aprender.

Splinterlands es un juego de estrategia pura, donde el mejor estratega obtendra la victoria sobre su rival, y el desafio semanal que Splinterlands plantea es bastante interesante, jugar con cartas que muchos de nosotros no solemos usar y asi darle un uso adecuado.

Lava Spider es la carta de esta semana, una carta de rareza comun que tiene la habilidad de Sniper. Una habilidad que se enfoca en atacar a los monstruos rivales de la segunda posicion que poseen ataque a distancia o magia, es una de las habilidades esenciales de este juego ya que nos permite ir por los monstruos que apoyan a la carta rival de la primera posicion.

Lava Spider level 1.png

Al ser un monstruo con esta habilidad no puede ser usada en la primera posicion ya que no va a atacar a menos que la condicion de batalla se lo permita, por lo que debemos colocarla en la segunda fila, pero ¿donde lo haremos? Importante pregunta, y aqui es donde radica la estrategia ganadora.

A continuacion te muestro una de las formas correctas de usarla, y como mi rival erroneamente la uso, eso hizo la diferencia en nuestra batalla otorgandome la victoria.

Lava spider vs lava spider turns.jpg

Battle Link

Mi estrategia aparte de colocarla en la penultima posicion, fue protegerla con "Radiated Scorcher", una carta que tiene 1 de mana y es util para usarla como escudo, al igual que las cartas que tienen 0 de mana, eso le da una mejor utilidad que ponerla a atacar. Mi rival no uso bien su lava Spider colocandola en la primera posicion de la segunda fila, eso hizo que en el segundo turno ya estuviera muerta.

Como conclusion debo decir que las posiciones en Splinterlands son fundamentales, aqui un ejemplo claro de que como una batalla puede convertirse en victoria o derrota.

Otra batalla

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Beautiful challenge. You are right the position of the cards matter in the match.


Thank you very much friend, yes it is, the position is super important to obtain the victory in all the battles, but in those that are very even it plays a determining role.
