The best way of taking advantage of the dip


____Everyone has got a better understanding of the opportunities out there with this dip in place. It seems like a better time of investing but it's not easy doing actually, only if you have the capacity to buy.

It's been a while here and I can say I haven't been able to throw some posts here because I have been busy and doing some stressful jobs this time. It's Raining season and we got a lot to market since this is the best time to work. I have always talked about Dollar cost averaging as one of the best options one's gotten to invest during the dip. I understand some facts that it's not easy for everyone to take part just like me, I really wished my exchange could give room for the purchase of $2 - $3 for buying tokens. It's been a hassle thinking of buying $10 usdt when I earn about $19 with the expenses on the ground. But for those who are capable to do so wouldn't mind the amount but they are engrossed by the fear of purchasing now. Most people are waiting for BTC to reach a minimum of $12,000 to $1,000 which may not even happen in the next few years .

If buying $10 per day is a hassle then try another method of buying.
All that's needed during this bear market is a slow or gradual buying. It doesn't have to be buying daily to ensure the averaging, one can also make it a weekly or monthly buying. The use of buying slowly helps to realize a lots of goal and it's mostly with the intention of long term plan. I always say that short terms aren't for rich people but people with poor mindsets.
If you understand how crypto works or have been in it for a long time, you would understand so many mistakes made that could have turned one's life around if not for the impatience. It could have been a great privilege if exchanges gave the opportunity to buy less than $10.

If you find this useful, kindly make some comments in the section box and please remember that it's not a financial advice ( We must only invest what we can afford to lose).

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