RE: Christmas in the Heart that puts Christmas in the Air

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Your house is beautifully decorated for Christmas @dswigle I could feel the Warmth of love in the contents and it melts my heart. I once wished to experience such Christmas where I have to decorate my home like that. It is rarely done in the locals here, only the rich could afford to buy Christmas trees and others.
Would you mind inviting me? Smile. I believe this Christmas is going to great at your place.
Have a fabulous Christmas in advance, it is just a day and few hours to go ☺️


Thank you. I do have fun decorating it and I think the decorations are pretty, but, honestly, it is the love that makes the holiday special.

Without this love, there would be no warmth in the Holiday. It would be worth nothing.

So, even though money can provide some nice things, if you don't have the basics, including giving your love, good health, and a nice disposition, you have nothing. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words!
