Family reunion after two years of the pandemic



Despues de casi dos años de pandemia por fin parte de mi familia se pudo reunir, es que la verdad la pandemia fue uno de los factores en Venezuela hay serios problemas con el transporte publico y la gasolina en general haciendo que se vuelva un odisea trasladarse por la ciudad de Caracas, pero recientemente se ha creador un servicio de transporte llamado yummy el cual es económico y eficiente a mi parecer, y justamente como venia un tío mío del extranjero quisimos reunirnos nuevamente, la verdad es que estábamos muy felices de poder abrazarnos de nuevo y charlar un rato, de compartir todos juntos.

After almost two years of pandemic finally part of my family could meet, is that the truth is that the pandemic was one of the factors in Venezuela there are serious problems with public transport and gasoline in general making it an odyssey to move around the city of Caracas, but recently has created a transportation service called yummy which is economical and efficient in my opinion, and just as an uncle of mine came from abroad we wanted to meet again, the truth is that we were very happy to hug again and chat for a while, to share all together.


Se que tardamos mucho en vernos pero es que muchos familiares viven en diferentes lugares del pais o zonas de mucha distancia en Caracas, y además casi todos tardamos tiempo en vacunarnos, la verdad es que la unión familiar es importante y espero que este año la pandemia ya termine por que quiero poder seguir compartiendo con ellos.

I know that it takes us a long time to see each other but many of our relatives live in different parts of the country or far away in Caracas, and also almost all of us take time to get vaccinated, the truth is that family unity is important and I hope that this year the pandemic is over because I want to be able to continue sharing with them.



I am so happy for you guys.
it is terrible that you have to contend with these conditions.
