This Destruction Is Irreversible


Hear these words, real words
Life got destroyed, unfortunately it's got destroyed
Humans did this, collective greed of humans did this
No heaven is waiting for humans, evil race of humans.

Destruction brings destruction, it's the cycle of destruction
You are part of divine joke, divine is joke?
All this chaos is divine plan? Let's call it evil plan
Otherwise it's nothing but random meaninglessness, collective meaninglessness.

End is emptiness too, life is emptiness too
Destination is emptiness, this code is emptiness
If you want to meet god, disappointment is god
God disappointed many souls, divine souls.

You think world is moving towards developments, but world is moving towards destructions
Nothing new, nothing is new
Old existence repeats itself, old consciousness repeats itself
That's why end meets with destructions, sad reality, destiny meets with destructions.

At the end it's all comes down to money fight, ongoing fight
Eternal fight, soul trapping fight
Humans were evil, humans will always be evil
Human consciousness is irreversible, this destruction is irreversible.


"This is my original and imaginative work".

(Pictures are edited and used from the Canva application).

Chiranjeevi Sarikonda
