Choice Is No Choice?


Choice is just a word, writing word
Life gives experiences, all kinds of experiences
Big difference, knowing is difference
This difference is enough to deceive, everyday deceive.

No matter what we think, at the end of the day there are only two roads, destined roads
Both roads have consequences, good and bad consequences
Choice is difficult, because life is difficult
Life is a game, but complicated game.

God exists nowhere in the picture, empty picture
It's all a enslaving game, fear spreading game
Half of the world have no choice, what a choice
Rushing choice, falling choice.

People are reading books, finding answers in the books
Old reality hides in books, current realities are nowhere in the books
Books are silent, pages are silent
Humans are sound, humans are making sound.

Life is life, just life
Choices are random, life is random
Manifestations are random, existence is random
Confusion of choice, choice is no choice?


"This is my original and imaginative work".

(Pictures are edited and used from the Canva application).

Chiranjeevi Sarikonda
