Got Some Nice Season Ending Rewards Today


I've been complaining about the season ending rewards for some seasons now. It has been a while since I got a card that I was happy with. Lots of commons, rares, the occasional epic and maybe a common gold foil or two.

Finally, this season, I got a Legendary card. It is only a Harklaw and I already have one. But I am so happy that I got a legendary again. One more needed to upgrade it to level 2.

In terms of the other rewards card, the other exciting card is the Exploding Rats which is a card that I use fairly often. Unfortunately it never increases its health as it levels up. I do plan to level this up to level 3 when I get sufficient cards.

Tomorrow, I will do a review on the earnings side of things as well. My sense is that it has come down a bit but I could be wrong.
