Another Gargoya Devil And Time To Upgrade It

The Gargoya Devil is a card that I've been getting pretty often in the rewards chest. I don't use it too often in battles mainly because its health is too low to be useful.

Today, I got some decent rewards:


I have previously talked about upgrading the Pelacor Mercenary and Venari Heatsmith but now it is time to upgrade another card - the Gargoya Devil.


I have 14 devils and that allows me to level it up to level 3. The big change is that it now does 3 range damage and has at least 3 health. If I do get another 11 cards, that would allow me to then upgrade it to level 4 with the deathblow ability.

Pairing this with General Sloan and getting the +1 range attack damage will be interesting.

On the rental market, this fetches 1.27 DEC per day now. That's pretty decent in my opinion and frankly the value is quite binary. At level 1 and 2, it has little to no value and at level 3 and 4, i think it is quite valuable which doesn't really increase further till level 8.
