ENG-ESP Mi amado lukas/My beloved lukas @centeno2k


Hola amigos de #hive me encanta poder compartir en este espacio fotografías de mi pequeño gatito llamado Lukas quien es mi compañero fiel.

Hello #hive friends I love to share in this space pictures of my little kitty named Lukas who is my faithful companion.

Me persigue a todas partes y juega con la escoba y con el coleto cuando estamos limpiando, es muy inquieto pero es normal porque apenas tiene 2 meses y medio.

He chases me everywhere and plays with the broom and with the pussy when we are cleaning, he is very restless but it is normal because he is only 2 and a half months old.


Lukas cada día me sorprende con sus ocurrencias y travesuras, en estos días lo estábamos buscando por toda la casa y no aparecía con la sorpresa de que estaba durmiendo plácidamente en la mesa del comedor.

Lukas surprises me every day with his antics and mischief, these days we were looking for him all over the house and he didn't show up with the surprise that he was sleeping peacefully on the dining room table.


Estoy feliz de haberlo adoptado se ha ganado mi cariño desde el primer momento en que lo ví, me encanta lo amoroso que es.

I am happy to have adopted him, he has won my affection from the first moment I saw him, I love how loving he is.


Lukas es mi despertador duerme conmigo y ya muy temprano en la mañana me está levantando saltando arriba de mi.

Lukas surprises me every day with his antics and mischief, these days we were looking for him all over the house and he didn't show up with the surprise that he was sleeping peacefully on the dining room table.


Siempre estoy capturando sus poses para mostrárselas y que me quedé como recuerdo.

I am always capturing their poses to show them and keep as a souvenir.


Aquí tratando de dar miedo con sus maullidos.
Here trying to be scary with his meowing.


El amor que siento por los animales es infinito y si está en mis posibilidades los ayudaré con mucho gusto.Aqui vemos a mi Lukas en su escondite secreto que desde que llegó se oculta allí.

The love I feel for animals is infinite and if it is in my possibilities I will gladly help them, here we see my Lukas in his secret hiding place that he has been hiding there since he arrived.


Le encanta dormir en la cama esto lo hace muy a menudo, es su lugar favorito.

He loves to sleep in bed this he does very often, it is his favorite place.


Cuando me mudé a mi nueva casa pensaba que algo le faltaba y era la alegría de una mascota, se dió la oportunidad de adoptar a este gatito lo cual fué la mejor decisión que pide haber tomado.

When I moved into my new home I thought something was missing and it was the joy of a pet, the opportunity was given to adopt this kitten which was the best decision I could have asked for.


Es el consentido de la casa, mi mamá y yo lo adoramos espero poder seguir compartiendo con el muchísimos años, bueno amigos espero que hayan disfrutado estás fotografías. Saludos.

He is the spoiled of the house, my mom and I adore him, I hope to continue sharing with him for many years, well friends I hope you have enjoyed these pictures. Greetings.
