ENG-ESP Esterilizar salva vidas/Sterilizing saves lives @centeno2k


Hola amigos de #hive este es mi bello gatito Lukas de 6 meses, decidí castrarlo ya que está es la mejor manera de evitar que ellos de hagan daños con las peleas callejeras.


Hi #hive friends this is my beautiful 6 month old kitten Lukas, I decided to neuter him as this is the best way to prevent them from harming each other with street fights.

Había una jornada de esterilización para felinos y decidí anotarlo, tenía muchas dudas al respecto y muchas personas me decía que para que lo iba a llevar si era macho.


There was a spay/neuter day for felines and I decided to sign him up, I had many doubts about it and many people told me that why would I take him if he was a male.

Pero fué la mejor decisión que tomé sin duda ya que esto:
prolonga su vida
Evita peleas callejeras.
Evita el abandono
Podemos evitar que se vayan de la casa al estar en celo.
Y muchos otros beneficios que me hicieron decidir castrarlo.

But it was the best decision I made without a doubt because it:
prolongs its life
Avoids street fights.
It avoids abandonment
We can prevent them from leaving the house when they are in heat.
And many other benefits that made me decide to castrate him.

Lo llevé y me dieron el número 14 estábamos esperando para ser operado, me habían recomendado cuando fui a buscarle el cupo darle comida hasta las 6 de la tarde, así lo hice y lo lleve en mi bicicleta, luego lo metí en una funda de almohada esto evita que ellos de los nervios se escapen.

I took him and they gave me the number 14 we were waiting to be operated, they had recommended me when I went to get the quota to give him food until 6 pm, so I did and I took him on my bike, then I put him in a pillowcase this prevents them from nerves to escape.


Lo llevaron a operar junto a otros gatos y lo sacaron a la media hora, cuando lo sacaron se orinó pero me dijeron que eso era normal por efecto de la anestesia.

He was taken to surgery along with other cats and they took him out after half an hour, when they took him out he urinated but they told me that this was normal due to the anesthesia.

Me lo dieron dormido y lo lleve a casa, allí demoró varias horas para que despertara, abría los ojos pero no reaccionaba, me dijeron que le curará la herida con algún yodo y que le diera poca agua por ese día ya que se corre el riesgo que se ahogue.

They gave him to me asleep and I took him home, it took several hours for him to wake up, he opened his eyes but did not react, they told me to treat the wound with some iodine and to give him little water for that day because there is a risk of drowning.

Tomé en cuenta todas las recomendaciones que es lo más importante para que tenga éxito la esterilización, como cualquier operación se debe brindar la atención necesaria y el adecuado reposo para que ellos no corran ningún riesgo.

I took into account all the recommendations that are the most important for the sterilization to be successful. As with any operation, the necessary attention and adequate rest must be provided so that they do not run any risk.

Ya mi gatito Lukas al siguiente día estaba activo y recuperó el apetito, yo estaba feliz y orgulloso, hasta salimos en la página de la red de apoyo canina, entre las fotos más lindas de gatitos.

My kitten Lukas the next day was active and regained his appetite, I was happy and proud, we even appeared on the page of the canine support network, among the most beautiful photos of kittens.






I upvoted you, thanks for posting!


Que bello es lukaaaaaaassss 😻 castrarlo es lo mejor que pudiste haber hecho 👏🏻👏🏻 tiene muchos beneficios como lo mencionas ahí y ahora se pondrá aún más hermoso 😍

¡Felicidades! Este post ha sido seleccionado para recibir la valoración de @mayvileros en el transcurso del día.

There are indeed many reasons to sterilize your pet. I am happy that you realize this and had the operation done. Good Job!
