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Hello peeps

Uncle John was one of Tony's favorite uncles, who did not only thrill Tony with endless folklores or help him Chase delicious insects for snacks, he also taught him new English words often reducing them to funny songs and rhymes. John loved the curious and skinny boy and was ever patient in explaining and correcting him. His folklores and fables were second to none. He had rare ability to arrest the attention of children and hold them spell bound, simultaneously in a state of fright, suspended excitement and anxious uncertainty, before he dropped the bombshell to climax his take. It was always fun hanging out with Uncle John in the evenings under the moonlight. But Tony's older uncle, George, was not so.

George was harsh, Ill-tempered and perpetually cane-wielding. Tony was always going about with cane marks and stripes on his back from Uncle George's ruthless flogging.Whenever Uncle George was going to the pit latrine in the night, he would order Tony to accompany him and stand guard at the outhouse. The little boy would be completely overwhelmed by fear,not just snakes but ghosts that he usually heard were roaming around at night. The real and present danger however was not snakes and ghosts but unpleasant odour, a miasma of unhealthy fumes that consumed the boy, as his uncle discharged, often with difficulties, some really hard poops down the shit hole.

One sunny afternoon, after Tony returned from school, uncle George got him beaten, black and blue. It was a merciless beating that Uncle George gave to Tony. When Tony managed to escape and run to the neighbors begging for cover, uncle George was hot on the heels of the screaming boy. In the frenzy, three dogs pounced on Tony and bit him everywhere, thighs, buttocks, legs and hands. And that became a bigger problem. Everyone hated Uncle George, he was not a particularly likeable young man in the society. Everyone cursed him and said worse things to him. He even usually best up Tony's mother. Everyone were angry and thanks to God, he was sent to the riverine area to learn fishing and everyone was relieved most especially Tony.

So peeps, which Uncle would you prefer, if you were Tony
