[ESP / ENG] Designing my loves. // Diseñando a mis amores.

Saludos y bendiciones queridos amigos de Hive.

Greetings and blessings dear Hive friends.


Espero se encuentren llenos de mucha salud, para seguir creando y compartiendo nuestras creaciones hechas con mucho amor.

I hope you are full of good health, to continue creating and sharing our creations made with a lot of love.

Me hubiera gustado el poder participar en una de estas propuestas hechas por esta comunidad que me encanta y a la cual agradezco por el apoyo que le han dado a mis publicaciones. Pero me entere muy y tarde y el internet por estos lados la señal es pésima casi nula…Si me lo permiten les comparto algo de los que muchos aquí hacemos y compartimos con mucho amor.

I would have liked to be able to participate in one of these proposals made by this community that I love and which I thank for the support they have given to my publications. But I found out very late and the internet on these sides the signal is terrible, almost null ... If you allow me, I will share something that many of us here do and share with a lot of love.

El tejer y coser siempre han formado parte de mi vida, mucho más en este tiempo de pandemia. Y en cual me ha servido de terapia, donde me distraigo y dejo de pensar en tantas cosas que me preocupan. Y con ella me concentro en lo que hago y me siento bien cuando al terminar, veo que podemos hacer cosas lindas para las personas que amamos.

Knitting and sewing have always been part of my life, much more in this time of pandemic. And in which it has served me as therapy, where I am distracted and stop thinking about so many things that worry me. And with her I focus on what I do and I feel good when when I finish, I see that we can do beautiful things for the people we love


En otra oportunidad les comente que aprendí a tejer desde pequeña ( 6 años) haciendo cadenetas con una gancho de cabello, porque veía a mi madre tejiendo chinchorro en un telar y yo quería hacerlo también. De allí nació, no le voy a llamar pasión porque no soy una experta, pero si he hecho algunas cositas después que aprendí a manejar las agujas y a conocer poco a poco el mundo del crochet. Aunque les confieso que no se leer las instrucciones de las revistas. Soy de las que tejen al ojo y si no me salen…busco la sean más fáciles.

On another occasion I told you that I learned to weave since I was little (6 years old) making chains with a hair hook, because I saw my mother weaving hammock on a loom and I wanted to do it too. From there it was born, I am not going to call it passion because I am not an expert, but I have done a few things after I learned to handle needles and to know the world of crochet little by little. Although I confess that I cannot read the instructions in the magazines. I am one of those who weave the eye and if they do not come out ... I look for the easier ones.

La costura llego en mi adolescencia, me hice pantalones bien corticos. Fui autodidactica en esa práctica porque aprendí sólita practicando mucho. Pero era solo por temporadas no era una tarea continua. Una que otra vez me animaba y tejía algo, ayudaba a mi madre cuando tejía un chinchorro.

Sewing came in my teens, I made very short pants. I was self-taught in that practice because I learned by myself by practicing a lot. But it was only for seasons it was not a continuous task. From time to time she encouraged me and knitted something, I helped my mother when she knitted a hammock.

Y cuando tuve a primera hija le tejía y le hacía algunas ropitas de estar en casa. Cositas sencillas que no requerían elaboración complicada. Y cuando me llegaron los nietos a los dos primeros les tejí unos chinchorros personalizados con el nombre y unos hermosas figuras. Y le debo el de mi chiquita, que aunque no estén ahorita aquí tengo que hacérselo para que tenga un recuerdo de su abuelita.

And when I had my first daughter I knitted for her and made her some clothes to be at home. Simple little things that didn't require complicated elaboration. And when the grandchildren came to the first two, I knitted hammocks personalized with the name and some beautiful figures. And I owe him that of my little girl, that although they are not here right now I have to do it so that he has a memory of his grandmother.


Mi hija mayor con mis nietas tiene tres años viviendo en otro país, es muy duro estar separados de las personas que amamos. Pero gracias a Dios contamos en estos tiempos con la tecnología y que maravilla las video llamadas, poder verlas crecer, escuchar sus voces de tan lejos… Y ver que nieta le gusta coser y dice que va hacer costurera como su abuelita( tan linda ella cree que yo soy costurera profesional) pero yo feliz de que comparta algo de lo que le guste a su abuelita . Y los muñequitos y gorritos que he hecho para sus muñequitas, mi nieta chiquita dice que son para ellas y que se los haga mas bonito...Dios permita y podamos volver a estar juntas y yo poder abrazar y consentir a mis niñas.

My oldest daughter with my granddaughters has been living in another country for three years, it is very hard to be separated from the people we love. But thank God we have technology in these times and how wonderful video calls are, to be able to see them grow, to hear their voices from so far away ... And to see that granddaughter likes to sew and says that she is going to become a seamstress like her grandmother (so pretty she thinks I am a professional seamstress) but I am happy that you share something that your grandmother likes. And the dolls and hats that I have made for her dolls, my little granddaughter says they are for them and to make them more beautiful ... God allow and we can get back together and I can hug and pamper my girls.



Entonces cuando hago algo de niñas, no se pierde porque tengo vecinitas pequeñas y una nieta putativa a la que le he cosito desde que nació... Y al nieto que tengo aquí conmigo, pues es al que le hecho mas ropita. Me hace feliz porque que se emociona cuando le hago un conjunto de estar en casa, una pijama y me dice: .- esta lindo nina ( porque nunca me ha llamado abuelita). El feliz con lo que le hace su abuelita, así quede bonito o feo él se pone muy contento.

So when I do something for girls, it doesn't get lost because I have little neighbors and a putative granddaughter whom I have sewed since she was born ... And the grandson that I have here with me, he is the one I made the most clothes for. It makes me happy because she gets excited when I make her a set to be at home, a pajama and she tells me: .- this pretty girl (because she has never called me grandmother). He is happy with what his grandmother does to him, whether it is pretty or ugly, he is very happy.



Feliz de poder compartir con ustedes un poco de mi y de valorar el conocimiento en una tarea tan hermosa y nos ayuda tanto como lo es la labor de cose o tejer…Espero poder seguir con ustedes y siempre agradecida con Hive por estos meses donde ha aportado tantas cosas positivas a mi vida.

Happy to be able to share with you a little bit of me and to value the knowledge in such a beautiful task and it helps us as much as it is the work of sewing or weaving ... I hope to continue with you and always grateful to Hive for these months where it has contributed so many positive things in my life.

Siempre deseándoles lo mejor y que Dios nos bendiga.

Always wishing you the best and God bless us.



It was very nice to get to know you better and learn how you fell in love with handicrafts. You are very good at it! Your granddaughter is beautiful !!!


Muchas gracias. Saludos :) Si mis nietas son lo mas lindo que tengo. Bendiciones.


So sorry your internet is not kind to you but I appreciate it even more you took the time to write more about yourself, your loved ones and how you started to crochet and sew. You have made a lot of amazing things, you showed us on the photos and its lovely to hear the story behind them. I admire that you like to craft for other people … I admit I seldom do this. I love to bake or paint etc. for others, but knitting or sewing is like a special treat for myself (the only persons I sometimes make things for are my husband or my mother). But honestly I am still knitting socks for my husband which I started roughly a year ago 😱)


Saludos y muchas gracias por leer. Me encanta hacer y regalar cosas que hago con mucho cariño para los míos y para las personas cercanas a mi. Bendiciones.

Congratulations @carolycesar15 ! Your post has been placed in the spotlight for this week's NeedleWorkMonday Community Featured Posts #155!
Thank you for your quality post and for being a part of the needlework community!

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Muchas gracias.!! me hace muy feliz el reconocimiento y apoyo. Gracias a mi linda comunidad.
