A special portrait by Renzo Rivera [ENG/ESP]

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Hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you about one of the moments I've been most excited about in my life, it's about the time I was a model for a portrait made by the plastic artist Renzo Rivera. So let's begin.

Renzo Rivero is a Valencian painter known for his huge reproductions of renaissance artists, as well as other productions. He has hard earned a reputation as an outstanding artist. I also studied Art Education and all my teachers always talked to us about his work. I visited some of her painting exhibitions and the truth is that she is very agile with color, stains and brush. From that moment on I became an admirer of her work.

¡Hola a todos! El día de hoy les hablaré sobre uno de los momentos que más ilusión me han hecho en la vida, se trata pues, de la vez que fui modelo para un retrato hecho por el artista plástico, Renzo Rivera. Así que comencemos.

Renzo Rivero es un conocido pintor valenciano por sus enormes reproducciones de artistas del renacimiento, así como producciones de otra índole. Se ha ganado arduamente la reputación de artista sobresaliente. También estudio Educación en Artes Plásticas y todas mis profesoras nos hablaban siempre de su trabajo. Visite algunas de sus exposiciones pictóricas y la verdad es que es muy ágil con el color, las manchas y el pincel. Desde ese momento me volví admiradora de su trabajo.

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About 2 years ago, I participated in an Instagram contest facilitated by Renzo himself, who raffled a position as a model. I had been following him for quite some time, I found out about it and immediately participated. The truth is that I had never been so excited to win anything but this. With such good luck that on the night the winner was announced, I checked the notifications and realized that he had tagged me in his post as the winner. Right at that moment my palms started sweating and I jumped for joy, screaming with excitement. Of course, I wrote back very grateful for the opportunity and started getting ready for the day.

I had doubts about what to wear because I don't usually dress up and I asked my sister for advice on what to wear. I didn't know if it was a full body portrait or just a face portrait. So she insisted that I wear something elegant just in case. I got an ultramarine blue and white straight line dress, with a few buttons, small accessories and look with my hair down.

Hace unos 2 años aproximadamente, participe en un concurso de Instagram facilitado por el mismo Renzo, quién sorteó un puesto como modelo. Yo que lo seguía de hace bastante tiempo, me enteré e inmediatamente participe. La verdad es que nunca había tenido tanta ilusión de ganar algo sino esto. Con tan buena suerte que en la noche que se anunciaba el ganador, reviso las notificaciones y me doy cuenta de que me ha etiquetado en su publicación como la ganadora. Justo en ese momento mis manos comenzaron a sudar y salte de alegría, gritando de emoción. Por supuesto, escribí muy agradecida por la oportunidad y comencé ha alistarme para el día.

Tenía dudas sobre que usar porque yo no suelo vestir de gala y pedí consejo a mi hermana sobre que usar. No sabía si era un retrato de cuerpo completo o solo rostro. Por lo que ella insistió en que usará algo elegante por las dudas. Conseguí un vestido de líneas rectas azul ultramar y blanco, con algunos botones, accesorios pequeños y lucir con el cabello suelto.



The day arrived and I felt like I was going to the Oscars hahaha I got ready in time to be dressed and made up for the event. My sister picked me up and dropped me off. I felt a little uncomfortable because I wore high heels and as I mentioned above, I don't usually wear anything like that. So I trudged to the venue and found that everyone was ready. I greeted Renzo, he introduced me to the attendees and after giving a few words about his work and artistic training, he began to paint.

As you can see, I sat on a bench right in front of him and held that position for about an hour. The painting technique he used was alla prima, which is a type of technique where you work without a previous sketch on the canvas, with wet brushstrokes for quick drying and successive application of new layers of color. This is understandable since it was the most appropriate for the moment, because of the time and because it was a demonstration.

El día llegó y yo sentía que iba a los Oscars jajaja me prepare con tiempo para poder estar vestida y maquillada a la hora del evento. Mi hermana me paso buscando y me dejó en el lugar. Me sentía un poco incómoda porque use unos tacones altos y como mencione arriba, no suelo utilizar nada de ese estilo. Por lo que camine con dificultad hasta el local y encontré que ya todos estaban listos. Saludé a Renzo, me presento a los asistentes y luego de dar unas palabras sobre su trabajo y formación artística, comenzó a pintar.

Como podrán observar, me senté en un banco justo frente a él y mantuve esa posición por alrededor de una hora. La técnica pictórica que utilizó fue alla prima, la cual es un tipo de técnica donde se trabaja sin boceto previo en el lienzo, con pinceladas húmedas para un secado rápido y aplicar sucesivamente nuevas capas de color. Esto es entendible ya que era lo más apropiado para el momento, por el tiempo y porque era una demostración.

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I had been portrayed before by classmates where I studied painting, but it always made me nervous to be observed so closely and for so long. I remember that in one of those classes where we did portraits as an exercise, my partner and I couldn't stop laughing. He painted me and I painted him. I think that facing the canvas and at the same time a human face is an interesting job, because not only the painter is observing but also the model is in it. The experience of being mutually observant of each other. In this event, this was no exception. In fact you can see that in the final result my face has a shy and nervous expression.

I won't lie to you, many acquaintances approached me to tell me that the portrait was not a faithful copy of my face, "It didn't do justice to my beauty". Which I don't agree with because I believe that the portrait captured exactly that naive and sweet expression that I usually have. As I explained above. The portrait in painting, depending on the painter may or may not have the intention of making a mimesis of reality, that is, an exact copy of the observed reality. So here it matters little if it is a faithful portrait, but what is truly valuable is the intrinsic beauty that the portrait possesses, the moment, what he captured through the painting and the connotation that the artist gives to it. I thought it was great and this will remain forever in my soul. It is not every day that you are immortalized on a canvas. Art has an immutable beauty, that of being able to transcend in time.

I hope you liked this publication, as well as the portrait presented here. I know very well that everyone will have different positions and that is good. Thank you very much for stopping by, reading, commenting, observing and voting. I send you a big hug. And if you wonder if I keep the work, the answer is no, the artist kept it but I think I'm going to venture to buy it. Without further ado, goodbye!

Yo había sido retratada anteriormente por compañeros dónde estudie pintura pero, siempre siempre, me generaba nervios el hecho de ser observada con tanto detenimiento y por tanto tiempo. Recuerdo que en una de esas clases dónde hacíamos retratos como ejercicio, mi compañero y yo no parabamos de reír. Él me pintaba a mi y yo a él. Creo que enfrentarse al lienzo y al mismo tiempo a un rostro humano es un trabajo interesante, porque no solo el pintor está observando sino también el modelo está en eso. La experiencia de ser mutuamente observadores del otro. En este evento, no fue la excepción. De hecho podrán ver qué en el resultado final mi rostro tiene una expresión tímida y nerviosa.

No les mentire, muchos conocidos se acercaron a mi para decirme que el retrato no hacía copia fiel de mi rostro, "No le hacía justicia a mi belleza". Cosa que no comparto porque considero que el retrato capto exactamente esa expresión ingenua y dulce que suelo tener. Cómo explique arriba. El retrato en la pintura, dependiendo del pintor puede tener o no esa intención de hacer una mimesis de la realidad, es decir, una copia exacta de la realidad observada. Por lo cual aquí poco importa si es un retrato fiel, sino que lo verdaderamente valioso es la belleza intrínseca que posee ese retrato, el momento, lo que captó a través de la pintura y la connotación que el artista le otorga. A mí me pareció grandiosa y esto quedará por siempre en mi alma. No todos los días quedas inmortalizada en un lienzo. El arte, tiene una beldad inmutable, el de poder trascender en el tiempo.

Espero que les haya gustado esta publicación, así como el retrato aquí presentado. Se muy bien que cada quien tendrán distintas posiciones y eso es bueno. Muchísimas gracias por pasar por aquí, leer, comentar, observar y votar. Les mando un fuerte abrazo. Y sí se preguntan si conservo la obra, la respuesta es no, el artista se quedó con ella pero creo que me voy a aventurar a comprarla. Sin más que decir ¡Adiós!

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The operators doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved in the same discord groups around @fyrstikken and friends. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. Shes in some groups with seemingly detached characters that dont even acknowledge the others in the group, looking oddly staged. She starts projects and does nothing with it or the delegations after its used to sway people. Like @steempowertwins does<------fake along with her @teamgood <------fake. No substance in her comments and has a following that adores her for what? Life coach she is not nor is she insightful with any meaningful skills to follow. Ruler of pixie dust maybe? I would like for someone to show me but probably wont out fear maybe? @fyrstikken groups around him down voted me into censored and not viewable on my accounts as soon I told what they were doing.
I cant prove @battleaxe is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing V2K because she cant and could care less. I guarantee she knows this is going around and still wont prove it because she cant. Many of us here can prove what they have been doing to survive the past 5 years. What does she live off of? It definitely isnt in public view here.

I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have been trying to kill me using RNM with applied V2K mental games while revealing as many accessories to the crime as they can. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. Pretty serious accusations to just blow off and leave the crypto community hanging in fear of this danger.

They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome. They should start by looking at the communications between the top witnesses of Hive and the connection to @fyrstikken groups. Google his fucking name and see where his other interests lie around at least once maybe? The connections between @fyrstikken groups and all the exchanges built for Hive? Bet that would reveal some crazy ball less nutty shit. Homeland security should start preparing for their own incarcerations seeing how sloppy this was done. Patriot act my ass. Think we are really fools? Bad position your not getting out of. Dont be last to blow the whistle. Who will protect you?

People in and around @fyrstikkens groups are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 long torturing years and counting. That is a long time to wait for someone to die.

What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and why nothing is being done. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control that have ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers prevented from telling the truth from being treated as criminals? Not to mention civilians we let our leaders treat the same way. https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism-terrorism


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@carminasalazarte ¡Excelente esta publicación!... Excelente la forma en la que transmite la experiencia en el taller de Rivera y estando fungiendo como modelo para uno de sus retratos. Por cierto, excelente técnica la del artista, bastante conocido en el medio a pesar de su notable juventud... Saludos!


¡Muchísimas gracias! Me agrada saber que he logrado mi meta al transmitir en esta publicación la emoción deseado. Sí, Renzo es un artista joven, muy talentoso y ya ha alcanzado grandes cosas. Gracias de nuevo, por pasar por aquí y apreciar este momento. Un fuerte abrazo.
