The thoughts of a repentant bohemian

Under the overwhelming routine that transports us day by day to have to look for that unexplored world, which although it is true that it is not real, makes us imagine how different it would be to live at the limit of what is really conventional and provides us with that comfort zone from which some of us want to leave and from which others feel safe to live quietly.

Perhaps one day I woke up with the desire to place my house by the sea and at a certain depth from ground level, all with the intention of being able to take my senses to the limit and explore between the agony of dying or continuing to live on the edge of life.

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Certainly when I wake up from that vibrant nightmare I will most likely react to reflect on how important it is to have my feet on the ground and assume real life without dangers and under any action that makes me reach adrenaline levels to extreme quotas, however I think that living on the edge is nothing outdated when I think that life as I am used to live it also has its dangers.

Maybe one day I will leave my house to live life under my daily routine and when I least expect it I will be drenched by rain water and exposed to die of a cold.

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It is an exaggeration perhaps, who is going to die of a cold as is life where doctors cure us with any medicine, if I do not want to expose myself to a cold then I will have to use an umbrella to protect me from the incessant rain, and under these cares I will only have to be careful not to slip on the wet and slippery roadway that is customary to see every time it rains.

Life although complex lets us know the importance of being bearers of life, just as we sow a very small plant that later becomes a large tree that gives shade, in the same proportion we can get to do our daily actions to become that infinite legacy for the most sublime generations of character that need the thoughts of that repentant bohemia.

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