Historical reasons for understanding the economy as a social phenomenon

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Since its origins man has sought ways to satisfy his needs, among which stand out having a clothing, having resources to feed himself, having a house, among others, these are needs that have not changed from prehistoric man to the present man, the only thing that changes is the constant evolution that man has had in obtaining them and the quality of the elements used to satisfy his needs.

The task of being able to meet these needs has not been easy, since to be able to meet all the needs has required a variability and quantity of resources, which are only possible to obtain through an exchange capacity, ranging from natural resources, technological, cultural, religious exchange, among others.

Within the historical aspects we can also analyze that this lack of organization and understanding of being able to understand this exchange capacity was what gave rise and origin to the economy, it is simply necessary to analyze two historical factors to realize the reasons why the economy was born as a social phenomenon which are:

  • Human needs: these are increasing as man is modernizing, they are not the same needs of man in the fifteenth century to the same needs of man today, have varied the procurement and derivatives of some natural resources, have varied the forms of payment to obtain resources, and surely we will evolve towards new needs that make the economy has to move because of the changes imposed by society.

  • Availability of goods (natural resources): many resources on our planet are running out, other resources are in the process of extinction, while the exploitation of other resources impacts on the little or no sustainability that remains to our planet and life here on earth. All this lack of natural resources will make the economy move towards a different environment than the one we have today, in the future perhaps much value will be given to the payment of natural resources that are easy to obtain and that are in abundance and that do not generate a negative impact on the environment and society of the future.

In conclusion, the economy as we know it would not exist or have its dynamism of adaptation, if it were not for the ability of society to market and evolve towards constant changes that help man to be in a permanent development.
