Are we currently in a society attached to a dependency on one another?

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Humanity has always been in constant adaptation and evolution, so perhaps we are at a point of stagnation where we have developed a society that lacks independence, and on the contrary we depend more and more on other individuals.

However, if we evaluate this situation from other perspectives, this sense of dependence is not totally bad since, for example, economically we can depend on the production of another, but this situation is what makes us live more and more in a globalized world but at the same time very connected, and it is a situation that although it makes us dependent, it allows us to grow economically.

It is normal that we are at this point of dependence because it is impossible for a country to generate all the resources necessary for its development, so that trade and dependence in the end is what makes us free and independent. I know it sounds contradictory that in this case dependence makes us independent, but I also believe that as society develops constantly, and when I speak of development I am not only referring to the economic but also to all forms of development including the economic one, we will need to be more connected to be able to be competitive in an increasingly globalized world.

The conclusion of the case is that in my point of view, in order to be able to continue to develop under a vision of a dependent society but with the fulfillment of being able to connect more and more, we must be independent in the sense of sovereign in the free choice of commercial exchanges and always adjusting our decisions to the adequacy of our societies, especially considering the technological progress and the need to preserve a lifestyle that is sustainable as we continue to grow as a society.
