Continúa... la historia 8 de mayo de 2022. Amor y tolerancia. // The story continues... May 8, 2022. Love and tolerance. 🌹😍💕🙌🌺


Este post es una iniciativa de la comunidad #freewriters donde nos invita a crear a partir de una historia. Nosotros debemos continuar poniendo nuestra imaginación a flor de piel. El tema de esta semana Continúa la historia 08 de mayo de 2022 lo resalto en negrita. Todo lo demás es mi creación. Espero que lo disfruten.



"Angustiado, caminaba de un lado a otro del pasillo. Era el único que esperaba por noticias de su esposa. Las horas pasaban y ninguna enfermera sabía darle razón de cómo iba la cirugía. Por momentos pensó en ponerse una bata y entrar a trompicones al quirófano para ver que pasaba. Para colmo, su suegra hizo entrada por una de las puertas, su cara, como siempre, aseguraba una buena discusión y varios regaños inmerecidos…"


Ella nunca lo había querido, decía que su hija merecía casarse con otro hombre, alguien mejor que él. Nunca demostró un mínimo de respeto y cordialidad hacia su persona. En cambio él, por ser la madre de su esposa y la abuela de sus hijos siempre mostró mucho respeto y sobre todo tolerancia hacia su persona.

Era un hombre enomarado perdidamente de su esposa, un hombre trabajador y responsable, un buen padre pendiente de cubrir todas las necesidades de su familia. Educado con valores, hijo único criado por su mamá y sus abuelos; ya que su padre falleció apenas siendo un niño. Se prometió desde muy joven no faltarle nunca a su esposa y menos a sus hijos. No quería que sus hijos crecieran sin la figura de un padre como le pasó a él.

Sentía que era injusto el trato que recibía de su suegra, pero esto nunca fue impedimento para que él le faltara el respeto, ya que contaba con valores y principios morales bien establecidos. Su molestia se debía, a que su hija estaba siendo operada de un terrible cáncer en el útero; el cual ella decidió no contarle a su madre para no causarle angustía, ni preocupación alguna. Sin embargo, ella no lo veía así. Ya que se enteró a última hora.


Decía que era él, quien no quería que ella estuviese al lado de su hija. Pero sus hermanas @evev y @antoniarhuiz estaban siempre en su defensa y hablando con su madre para que cambiara de actitud, esa hostilidad que sentía hacia él sin razón aparente. Él solo respetaba las decisiones de su esposa, estaba para complacerla y apoyarla...

I'll be waiting for you in my next post... Thank you for reading it(1).png

Las imágenes son de Pixabay
Los separadores fueron editados en Canva
Traductor Deepl


This post is an initiative of the #freewriters community where we are invited to create from a story. We must continue to put our imagination to the test. This week's theme [Continue the story May 08, 2022](, 2022) is highlighted in bold. Everything else is my creation. I hope you enjoy it.



Anxious, he paced up and down the hallway. He was the only one waiting for news from his wife. Hours passed and no nurse knew how the surgery was going. At times he thought about putting on a gown and stumbling into the operating room to see what was going on. To make matters worse, his mother-in-law entered through one of the doors, her face, as always, assured a good discussion and several undeserved scoldings... ".


She had never loved him, she said that her daughter deserved to marry another man, someone better than him. She never showed a minimum of respect and cordiality towards him. On the other hand, he, being the mother of his wife and the grandmother of his children, always showed a lot of respect and above all tolerance towards her.

He was a man madly in love with his wife, a hard-working and responsible man, a good father who took care of all his family's needs. Educated with values, he was an only child raised by his mother and grandparents, since his father died when he was still a child. He promised himself from a very young age never to be absent from his wife and even less so from his children. He did not want his children to grow up without a father figure as he did.


He felt that it was unfair the treatment he received from his mother-in-law, but this was never an impediment for him to disrespect her, since he had well-established values and moral principles. His discomfort was due to the fact that his daughter was being operated on for a terrible cancer in her uterus, which she decided not to tell her mother about so as not to cause her any anxiety or worry. However, she did not see it that way. She found out at the last minute.


She said it was him, who didn't want her to be by his daughter's side. But his sisters @evev and @antoniarhuiz were always in his defense and talking to his mother to change her attitude, that hostility she felt towards him for no apparent reason. He only respected his wife's decisions, he was there to please her and support her....

I'll be waiting for you in my next post... Thank you for reading it(1).png

Images are from Pixabay
Dividers were edited in Canva
Deepl translator


Conchale tremenda responsabilidad convencer a mi vieja que cambie de juicio.😅 Gracias por la mención, intentaré continuar la historia.


😆😆😆 Porque se que usarás muy buenos argumentos para calmar la situación. Gracias. Espero leerte.😆😆🙄😎
