El Espíritu Errante (Esp/ Eng)


Fuente/ Source


Todo iba magnifico en la vida de José, su pequeño negocio de mecánica iba viento en popa, había conseguido el amor de una hermosa muchacha, se había casado con ella y todo parecía fluir a las mil maravillas, ya de su pasado quedaban solo los vestigios, afortunadamente había logrado superar lo de aquella misteriosa mujer, que lo tenia a su entera merced, gracias a la ayuda de su familia, logró sobrevivir a esa historia de total locura de deseo carnal...

Pero esa mañana junto a su taza de café le dio por recordar, recuerda que el conoció a aquella extraña mujer, en un bar o antro que todo empezó muy normalmente, que le llamó la atención por sus aires misteriosos y por su innegable belleza. Poco a poco se fue enseriando con ella, al principio todo fue como un juego de niños, solo conversar reírse y compartir ya después todo se fue tornando, muy intenso.

La primera vez que tuvieron sexo, todo fue como si entrara en una espiral de deseos y como si estuviera fuera de si, ¿en que momento entró en ese estado? nunca se percató, cada vez que tenían sexo era como si no tuviera voluntad, incluso sentía que no tenia control sobre si mismo, siempre quería mas y mas, pensó que era por que le gustaba mucho, eso debía ser, pero luego donde estuviera si no estaba ella, se sentía incomodo, siempre anhelándola, deseándola.

Sus amigos le gastaban bromas y le decían que era que estaba, prendado por el sexo con ella, que eso era todo, pero luego empezaron a pasar otras cosas, la chica le empezó a exigir que vivieran juntos, pero el no se decidía por que pensaba que el buen sexo no era suficiente, para vivir con alguien y le dijo que todavía no se sentía preparado..., ella no le dijo nada pero empezó a alejarse de José, el no la vio mas por esos dias. Fue un infierno para el.

José al principio, no dijo nada y pensó que era lo mejor, aunque se sentía intranquilo, pero luego empezó a tener unos extraños sueños donde ella se presentaba y lo invitaba a tener sexo, lo tocaba lo incitaba y el se despertaba, bañado en sudor. Eso era todas las noches, por el día se sentía tentado a llamarla pero sabia que si la llamaba iba a tener que ceder a sus peticiones, encima creía que se estaba volviendo loco por ella.

Fuente/ Source

Por que a veces estando completamente solo, sentía que lo rozaban, lo tocaban, volteaba a ver y no había nada, empezó a sentir que lo llamaban y estaba solo. Hasta que unos pocos dias después, José la vio cerca de su trabajo y no pudo resistirse mas, en el acto se fue con ella y volvió a estar con ella íntimamente, pero esta vez era como si sintiera que le absorbieran el alma, la voluntad. Luego de eso no pudo desprenderse de ella, solo vivía para estar con ella, pronto se la trajo a vivir con el, sin importarle nada mas.

Empezó a alejarse de amigos y conocidos, de la familia, su mundo giraba en torno de ella. Descuidó su trabajo, no entregaba a tiempo los pedidos en su taller, pronto se quedó sin clientes, pero no le importaba solo quería estar a su lado y tener sexo con ella, su apariencia empezó a ser descuidada, parecía un ermitaño, barbado y sucio. Su madre, se preocupó por su hijo y fue a visitarle, la casa era peor, era como si no viviera con nadie, un descuido total, nunca vio a esta mujer por ningún lado, pero el insistía que si estaba presente.

Su madre no le dijo nada, pues lo veía muy perturbado y le dijo que luego volvería a visitarlo. Fue con el padre de José y sus hermanos les contó lo sucedido y todos pensaron que había perdido la razón, que había que llevarlo a un sanatorio o algo así, pero la abuela mujer sabia, les dijo que mejor lo llevaran donde una comadre de ella primero, una bruja blanca, luego de eso si era necesario, para el sanatorio.

Así hicieron, la madre volvió a ir a visitarlo esta vez con su padre y mediante engaños se lo llevaron a casa. José le decía a alguien -"Pronto vuelvo amor mío, no es nada, es solo un momento.." y así se lo llevaron, pero antes le dieron a tomar un "café" preparado que traían, esto lo adormilo y así fue mas fácil de manipular y llevar. En casa estaba ya la doña, la bruja blanca y empezó a tratarlo, luego de unos baños, unos rezos y unas velaciones, fue que José fue entrando en conciencia, a los dias.

No sabia que había pasado, no recordaba nada, ni que hacia en casa de sus padres. Pronto, empezaron a contarle en las condiciones en que lo encontraron y lo que le había sucedido, pues resulta que esa mujer de la que el hablaba, había existido alguna vez, pero que era un espíritu errante, que había quedado prendado de el, por eso nadie, la llegó a ver en realidad, ni los amigos, ni la familia, que estaba llevándoselo poco a poco y que cuando lo auxiliaron, le quedaba pocos dias de vida.

José recordaba muy vagamente aquellos extraños "encuentros", que el juraba en algún momento, que había tenido con aquella sensual mujer, los pocos que tenían eran muy vagos y solo recordaba parte de estos, como por "escenas", era como si hubiese estado en una nube por esos dias. Gracias a la sabiduría de su abuela, la estaba contando, pues ese espíritu errante lo tenia totalmente prisionero, embelesado, casi al borde de la locura. Afortunadamente vivió para contarlo.

Fuente/ Source


Everything was going great in José's life, his small mechanic business was going well, he had won the love of a beautiful girl, he had married her and everything seemed to be going swimmingly, only the vestiges of his past remained, fortunately he had managed to overcome that mysterious woman, who had him at her mercy, thanks to the help of his family, he managed to survive that story of total madness of carnal desire...

But that morning, with his cup of coffee, he remembered that he met that strange woman in a bar or a dive that started very normally, that caught his attention because of her mysterious airs and her undeniable beauty. Little by little he got closer to her, at the beginning everything was like child's play, just talking, laughing and sharing, and then everything became very intense.

The first time they had sex, everything was as if he entered into a spiral of desires and as if he was out of his mind, when did he get into that state? He never noticed, every time they had sex it was as if he had no will, he even felt he had no control over himself, he always wanted more and more, he thought it was because he liked her a lot, that must be it, but then wherever he was if she wasn't there, he felt uncomfortable, always longing for her, desiring her.

His friends made jokes and told him that he was in love with sex with her, that that was all, but then other things began to happen, the girl began to demand that they live together, but he did not decide because he thought that good sex was not enough to live with someone and he told her that he still did not feel ready..., she did not say anything but she began to move away from José, he did not see her anymore during those days. It was hell for him.

At first, José didn't say anything and thought it was for the best, although he felt uneasy, but then he started having strange dreams where she would show up and invite him to have sex, touch him, incite him and he would wake up, bathed in sweat. That was every night, during the day he was tempted to call her but he knew that if he called her he would have to give in to her requests, on top of that he thought he was going crazy for her.

Because sometimes when he was all alone, he felt that he was being touched, he turned to look and there was nothing, he began to feel that he was being called and he was alone. Until a few days later, José saw her near his work and he couldn't resist any longer, he went with her and was with her again intimately, but this time it was as if he felt that his soul, his will, was being absorbed. After that he couldn't let go of her, he only lived to be with her, soon he brought her to live with him, without caring about anything else.

He began to distance himself from friends and acquaintances, from family, his world revolved around her. He neglected his work, he did not deliver on time the orders in his workshop, he soon ran out of customers, but he did not care he just wanted to be by her side and have sex with her, his appearance began to be neglected, he looked like a hermit, bearded and dirty. His mother, worried about her son and went to visit him, the house was worse, it was as if he didn't live with anyone, a total neglect, he never saw this woman anywhere, but he insisted that she was present.

His mother did not say anything to him, as she saw him very disturbed and told him that she would come back to visit him later. He went to José's father and his brothers told them what had happened and they all thought he had lost his mind, that he had to be taken to a sanatorium or something like that, but the wise grandmother told them that it was better to take him to a friend of hers first, a white witch, and after that, if necessary, to the sanatorium.

So they did, the mother went to visit him again, this time with his father, and by trickery they took him home. José would say to someone, "I'll be back soon, my love, it's nothing, it's only for a moment" and so they took him away, but first they gave him a prepared "coffee" that they had brought, this made him sleepy and so it was easier to manipulate him and take him away. The white witch was already at home and began to treat him, after a few baths, prayers and candles, José began to come to his senses after a few days.

He didn't know what had happened, he didn't remember anything, nor what he was doing at his parents' house. Soon, they began to tell him about the conditions in which he had been found and what had happened to him, because it turned out that the woman he was talking about had once existed, but that she was a wandering spirit, who had fallen in love with him, which is why no one ever really saw her, neither his friends nor his family, who were taking him away little by little and that when they helped him, he had only a few days left to live.

José remembered very vaguely those strange "encounters", which he swore at some point he had had with that sensual woman, the few he had were very vague and he only remembered part of them, as if by "scenes", it was as if he had been in a cloud for those days. Thanks to his grandmother's wisdom, he was recounting it, because that wandering spirit had him totally imprisoned, enraptured, almost on the verge of madness. Fortunately he lived to tell the tale.

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Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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Historia de mi Autoria/History of my Authorship:

Marcia López


"Afortunadamente vivió para contarlo". Hay quienes no logran vivir para contar sus vivencias, tal vez incluso nos perdemos de historias como estas ya que la persona que las experimenta nunca vuelve a ser vista. 💀


Así es existen muchas historias de este tipo, que solo quienes las viven y sus cercanos, son quienes ven los estragos en la persona, pero muchos no viven para contarla, eso es cierto. ¡Saludos @perceval!



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Si me tiene que salir un espíritu, que sea la mujer de esta historia. estuvo muy interesante.


Jajajajajajaja, esta bien. ¡Existen mi querido amigo @innfauno12! pero no son nada "saludables" por así decirlo. Cuidado con los deseos. ¡Bendiciones!
