China news roundup / Nachrichten 2021-10-18




China denies testing nuclear-capable hypersonic missile

"Hypersonic missiles are much faster and more agile than normal ones, meaning they are more difficult to intercept"

--- More difficult, but not impossible. So, don't be too alarmed by some sensationalist articles.

"The report on Saturday quoted five unnamed sources who said a hypersonic missile had been launched in the summer. It flew through low-orbit space before cruising down and narrowly missing its target"

--- Narrowly, well... Some 30 km off target. That may be the reason that the CCP denies such a test happened. Wasn't really that successful.
cf.: US ‘very concerned’ despite China denials over hypersonic missile


China's propaganda machine is intensifying its 'people's war' to catch American spies

"A video by Chinese state broadcaster CCTV claimed -- without citing sources -- the CIA was recruiting Chinese-speaking agents who understand not only Mandarin, but also various tongues including Cantonese, Shanghainese, Hakka and Hokkien"

--- It's not really necessary to quote any sources on this. The CIA would be rather stupid not to do this. It's their job, after all.


Protestors disrupt flame lighting for Beijing Winter Games

"In his speech in the ancient stadium of Olympia, where in antiquity male athletes competed naked during a special truce among their often-warring cities, IOC President Thomas Bach stressed that the modern Games must be “respected as politically neutral ground.”
[...] “The Olympic Games cannot address all the challenges in our world. But they set an example for a world where everyone respects the same rules and one another.”"

--- That example being: Money before everything.


China's growth slowdown suggests recovery is losing steam

"China's economy grew 4.9% in the July to September quarter from a year earlier, the slowest pace in a year and worse than analysts had predicted."

--- On-quarter growth was only 0.2% (officially!):
(via Bloomberg)

But the People's Bank of China still thinks that 8% GDP growth this year will be achieved.

"From big tech to gaming to the education sector, a number of China's biggest companies are facing policy curbs aimed at social transformation.
The Chinese government has unveiled a five-year plan indicating that this crackdown will go on for years. "

--- What could go wrong?


Goldman Sachs looks forward to a 'new chapter' in China

"Goldman Sachs (GS) has received clearance to take full ownership of its securities joint venture in China, a sign that Beijing remains open to foreign financial firms even as geopolitical tensions simmer.
[...] Over the summer, BlackRock (BLK) was permitted to start offering investment products to individual Chinese investors as the country's first entirely foreign-owned fund management firm
[...] JPMorgan Chase (JPM) received approval from regulators to take full ownership of its China securities venture in August."

--- By total coincidence, the 3 foremost Wall Street China shills. We can be absolutely sure that this is not a reward for supporting pro-CCP propaganda in the West.


'Cement mountain': China's rocky road on biodiversity beyond rosy U.N. summit

"Despite progress, a rift remains between rhetoric and reality."

--- Welcome to China.

"though water quality has been raised from "below grade V", meaning not even suitable for industrial use, it remains at grade IV - still severely polluted and hazardous to humans. Yunnan province officials could not provide a date for when it would be upgraded further"

--- That's environmental protection in China for you. Progress means going from hazardous to a little bit less hazardous.

"China's nature reserves currently amount to 18% of total territory, and the country has also put 25% of the country behind what it calls an "ecological protection red line".
The United States and others have agreed to a United Nations call to protect 30% of national territory by 2030, but China has yet to commit as it struggles to feed a quarter of the world's population with under a tenth of the world's arable land"

--- Actually, it should be fairly easy to reach 30%. Much of China's landmass is made up of mountains & deserts. That's why they don't have enough arable land. Well, that & the fact that a lot of arable land has been used for building cities.


A man is on the run after allegedly killing two neighbors. Some in China hope he will never be caught

"It all started in 2017, when Ou decided to demolish his dilapidated house and build a new one, according to his Weibo posts. He said the government approved his application for reconstruction, so he went ahead and tore down the old house. Since then, however, he said he had been unable to build the new one because his neighbor repeatedly blocked construction work."

--- Sounds like neighbourly love in Germany. But in Germany, the resulting conflict would usually fought out in the courts, not by the use of guanxi. It seems, his neighbour had good enough connections to party circles to keep him from building a new house. & then:

"After years of acrimony, the final straw reportedly came on October 10, when a typhoon tore apart the tin sheet covering Ou's shack and blew a fragment into the neighbor's vegetable plot. Ou and the neighbor allegedly got into a dispute when he came over to collect the broken sheet, and the situation quickly escalated"

--- At least, in this case the victim of Chinese 'bureaucracy' took his grievances out on the actual instigators. All too often, in China this ends up as another case of mass stabbing.

"On October 13, the local government of Pinghai county issued a bounty for Ou on social media app Wechat: 20,000 yuan ($3,106) for any security footage or information leading to his arrest or 50,000 yuan ($7,765) for proof of his dead body"

--- Wanted! Dead or Alive! (preferredly dead)
Looks like party cadres rather had him delivered dead than to see him in court. You wonder why...
&, of course, the CCP gets what it wants:

A murder suspect who gained wide public sympathy in China has died after a week on the run

"killed himself while resisting arrest on Monday, police in the city of Putian said in a statement on Monday evening"

--- How convenient.



China’s food news going forward

China Is Watching You



--- China Uncensored: "The American China HATES | Hong Kong Activist Samuel Chu"


--- WION: "Gravitas: Did China test hypersonic nuclear missiles?"


--- Bloomberg: China’s GDP Growth Slows Amid Property, Energy Crises

--- CNBC: China's Q3 GDP weaker than expected, grows at slowest pace in the year

--- DW News: China's economy stumbles on Evergrande debt, energy shortages



Chinas Wirtschaft wächst langsamer

"Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) stieg nach Angaben des staatlichen Statistikbüros im Zeitraum Juli bis September um 4,9 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorquartal"

--- Quartal auf Quartal sogar nur 0,2%. & das sind die offiziellen Zahlen, real dürfte es also noch schlechter aussehen. Die chinesische Volksbank glaubt dennoch, daß am Ende des Jahres 8% BIP-Wachstum erreicht werden. Was nicht passt, wird passend gemacht...
vgl.: China, ein wankender Riese?
s.a.: Chinas Problem ist nicht das Wachstum


Bericht: China testet nuklearfähige Hyperschallrakete

"Demnach sei die Rakete bei niedriger Umlaufbahn einmal um den Globus gekreist, ehe sie das anvisierte Ziel um rund 39 Kilometer verfehlt habe."

--- Fast ein Volltreffer. Großartiger Erfolg. Wenn damit das Pentagon anvisiert würde, käme das Ding womöglich in Baltimore runter.
Vielleicht behauptet die KPCh deshalb, daß es keinen Waffentest gab: "Es war ein Raumschiff, keine Rakete"

"langsamer als ballistische Raketen, aber eine Hyperschallrakete folgt bei ihrer Flugbahn keiner Wurfparabel und ist manövrierfähig. Raketenabwehrsysteme sind daher nicht in der Lage, sie zu stoppen"

--- Blödsinn. Derzeitige Abwehrsysteme sind natürlich nicht darauf ausgelegt, aber ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis entsprechende neue Systeme zur Verfügung stehen.


Protest bei Entzündung der Olympischen Fackel

"Wie ein Reporter der Nachrichtenagentur AFP berichtete, hielten die drei Demonstranten im antiken Olympia eine Tibet-Flagge sowie ein Banner mit der Aufschrift "No Genocide Games" (Keine Völkermord-Spiele) hoch. Ordnungskräfte unterbanden den Protest und nahmen die Aktivisten fest."

--- Griechenland mag keine Proteste gegen China. Genausowenig wie das IOC.

""In diesen schwierigen Zeiten, die wir immer noch durchleben, werden die Olympischen Winterspiele 2022 in Peking ein wichtiger Moment sein, um die Welt im Geiste des Friedens, der Freundschaft und der Solidarität zusammenzubringen", sagte Bach"

--- Aber kein Frieden, keine Freundschaft & keine Solidarität mit den Uiguren (oder anderen Opfern von KPCh-Willkür).


Apple entfernt Bibel- und Koran-Apps aus chinesischem App Store

"die Apps hätten gegen Gesetze verstoßen, die das "Anbieten illegaler religiöser Texte" verbieten"

--- Hmm, heißt das, daß jetzt die Bibel & der Koran offiziell verboten sind?



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