

gif skate.gif

Hey, did you miss me? I'm so happy to be back in Hive. This March I used my working time to complete the painting of the room and other details of my house. My son is coming. It will be born in June. I'm very anxious and in a hurricane of emotions. I've decided that now I'm going to post one post a day and I'm not going to brake anymore. Now it will be every day! Before you ask, no, I don't like wearing knee pads haha. no more hahahaha. Let's watch my first longboard videopromo:
Olá, sentiu saudade de mim? Eu estou tão feliz de estar de volta a Hive. Esse mês de Março eu usei meu tempo de trabalho para concluir a pintura da sala e outros detalhes da minha casa. Meu filho está chegando. Nascerá em Junho. Estou muito ansioso e dentro de um furação de emoções. Decidi que agora farei um post por dia e não vou mais dar um brake. Agora será todo dia! Antes que você pergunte, não, eu não curto usar joelheiras haha. não mais hahahaha. Vamos assistir ao meu primeiro longboard videopromo:

In this post I was evolving my longboard. I was just getting started and I had the opportunity to get my first support. A brand project called Hoopa Boards. I've already posted here on Peakd a video about a championship they made in the city of Nova Friburgo. I evolve a lot after these images and was embarrassed to post hahaha. But that's what it's about, evolution, I hope you enjoy that content! Tomorrow I come back with more fire on the blog of Boelter Mc! Hug to the whole community! You're special to me!
Nesse post eu estava evoluindo meu longboard. Estava começando e tive a oportunidade de ganhar meu primeiro apoio. Um projeto de marca chamado Hoopa Boards. Já postei aqui no Peakd um vídeo sobre um campeonato que eles fizeram na cidade de Nova Friburgo. Eu evolui muito após essas imagens e estava com vergonha de postar hahaha. Mas é sobre isso, evolução, espero que gostem desse conteúdo! Amanhã volto com mais fogo no blog do Boelter Mc! Abraço a toda comunidade! Vocês são especiais para mim!


Randon Slide


Lucas Macedo Power


Boelter Mc

Welcome to the BoelterMc universe. I am a Rapper, Skateboarder, born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I love beaches, landscapes, nature and animals and you'll see that. Here I show my adventures with my family, my music, my vision of my country, my lifestyle in general. My goal in the hive is to make real connections. Meet interesting people and participate in good projects. About academic training I almost finished the entrepreneurship course at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) but I couldn't because I had a tour at Rap. Today my Studio is on the side of my bedroom and I am preparing my solo career and working on projects in the hive.

Did you like the content? Leave a love upvote! Do you have any ideas? Leave a comment. If you find this post interesting you can reblog if you want. Spread love, good vibes and follow the blog so you don't miss the news. Boelter hugs and kisses.

Have you voted for Stoken's proposal? No? Vote now! Stoken is coming true! I am happy! 🐝❤️

Reach out to us in Discord to know more about it

What Stoken plans to bring to Hive 🍯
Unique name, and meme-ified branding that will stand out above the hard to find Hive brand.
Real world events tied to web3 content creation.
Attracting non crypto content creators, into web3.
Exciting content to bring in non crypto audience.
Focus on onboarding large, existing communities. i.e: Reddit skateboarding: 385k members, and Redbull: 10 million YouTube subscribers.
NFTs. Plans include real world utility, fund raising, and future gamification.
DTF ( Decentralized Token Fund )
Stoken DAO: Decentralized voting system to allow the community to sponsor athletes, content creators, influencers, and real world events.
A new token for you to earn for doing Hive stuff!
Possibility of future airdrop of governance tokens. 

Vote on our Hive proposal for STOKEN

----------------------☝️ Click for Voting ☝️------------------------
Our proposal is about creating our own tribe platform and we are starting by creating our token our goal is to use the power of web3, to enable people to get rewarded for doing what gets them, and others stoked. Though Stoken is inspired by the stoke generated by extreme sports, we believe stoke is universal, and we do not want to prevent anyone from sharing their stoke with others.


Boa brother!! A chegada do primeiro filho realmente é de muitas emoções, que tudo corra bem e que voces curtam bastante esse momento especial! Boa sorte!


Obrigado meu amigo! Sua boa vibração é muito bem recebida!
tamo junto sempre, conte com o que precisar!

Abraços e bom final de semana!


I missed you broooooo, hell YES hahaha 😍

Loved how you guys shredded that U-turn! Boelter MC coming in how with that revert and then switch riding the turn! Let's fucking gooooo man, stoked to see more of your content!

Sometimes breaks are needed, especially when you have such a "heavy" responsibility like a baby coming in 3 months!

P.S. Don't burn yourself with those posts man, share content when you feel like to! You know we're all here to support you even if you don't post for anoother month or year!



You're the man! ❤️

Thank you for your support and understanding.

I'm back to warm your heart! Come on, brother, I've got a lot of interesting projects.

I'm very happy about that. I couldn't imagine it would be so fast my evolution at Peakd.

I couldn't imagine that my evolution on Peakd and Web3.0 would be so fast.

And our hive baby is coming! Francisco is coming to SkateHive!
