Blurred Photos and Reflections


There was a time when I used to love walking around downtown and looking in shop windows. My wife even more. She likes to look at shop windows from the inside but that's dangerous... for the wallet.

A late autumn, a beautiful day that invites you to walk. A walk through downtown Bucharest, on the two main boulevards of the city, boulevards that still keep the memory of Little Paris, as Bucharest was called between the two world wars.

The first boulevard is called Magheru, it is practically the central axis of the city and is the largest in the center. It was also the most beautiful, but in my opinion, there are still many buildings that are not renovated and suffer from this. Here are most of the blocks that are in danger in case of an earthquake, because of this the tenants have been evacuated and the uninhabited blocks are not very pleasant to look at. But now let's forget the blocks and focus on the shop windows. A Japanese shop...


When I reviewed the photos I took on this walk I saw that most of them are blurred and many are reflections in the windows. At first, I thought they were useless but I was sorry to give them up and since I want my post to have something special, I decided to use the photos, and try to make a good post out of bad photos.




I really like reflections. I like to have more than one shot in the same image, to see both front and back. These are photos that you have to look at carefully and you will discover many unexpected things.




I also took a kind of selfie in the mirror. I can see some of what is sold in the shop but also what is happening on the boulevard. This shop, Takumi, manages to reproduce the Japanese atmosphere, I love to visit it, but more to visit and less to buy, because everything is very expensive. I once bought some superb cups here.

In any walk in these places my attention is drawn to different everywhere, I leave the shop windows to look at the boulevard. A special bus is approaching.



A double-decker bus touring the city, the best way to visit the most interesting places to see... from above. A ticket was valid for 24 hours and cost $10, so it was advantageous for tourists who could travel on this bus several times, get off at certain sights and continue the trip later.

Art galleries usually have very large windows. That helps a lot. I really liked seeing the exhibition from the street. If I saw something that appealed to me, then I'd go in and take a closer look.



Like I said, there's a lot going on around me, it just takes a lot of attention to see it. I saw a man with a cane, who was far from fast moving but ventured across the boulevard through an impermissible and dangerous place. Fortunately, the drivers of the passing cars were careful enough not to accident him.



Coming back to the shop windows, they always make people crave for shopping. I was sure the walk past so many shops would end with a purchase, the wife can never hold back.




We also passed by other shop windows, bookshop and florist windows. Both books and flowers are often bought by us, but this time we passed on.




The florist takes me to a flower, of course. We're keeping up good habits and saying #alwaysaflower!



For #MarketFriday by @dswigle




Quite a lovely environment and market place with lovely collections, I've at some point also snap pictures, only to check it out and realized it's captures more of reflection than the actual object.

Have a pleasant day


I like you prefer window shopping and my Wife like yours prefers going into the stores, and the amount of time she can spend looking at things in a shop drives me crazy at times as I have to wait patiently lOL

I think you made a good post sure some of the shots have a bit of blur, thats hard not to do often with windows and reflections but you made a good story out of them :)


Thank you! Ha, ha, we have to wait, we have no other choice. It's a woman's pleasure to search, to discover in stores.
The photos are not as they should be but I chose to use them because it helps my story. I don't know what happened to me that day, most of the photos were compromised. I think I may have accidentally changed a setting on the camera.


It could have been a setting perhaps the shutter speed
I have had days when I say my mojo was gone and shots don’t turn out well


I would call your post: "life inside and out" or maybe "windows life" 😁 we need to make a contest for the best title of your post 😀👍


A contest would be good because I struggled a lot to find the title.


I really liked this post! It catches the reflections in a different way, adding more objects, almost like double exposing the reflections. To be honest, it was such a cool way to look at things, nothing unusual, but, the way you present, it is unusual, in a good way!

Whether your settings were off or it was the way the sun was hitting it doesn't matter to me, the entire story from beginning to end was a fun way to look at shopping. It is exactly as it is, and yet, I never thought to present it this way. You got lucky this time, not having to go into a shop. The reflections saved you. :)

I cannot believe, if you look at my post this week, it is mentioning how people should not send me blurry pictures of their markets. I am talking about people who only send blurry market pictures and an in-focus selfie. :) Then you show up with a title with blurry. I found it funny! Yours was a purposeful post and theirs have been trying to pass off the pictures. So don't be offended or think I was talking about you. :) I would say it to you, not hint in a post. Ha! I know you won't mind dropping your link in the comment section when you have time, right? See? Direct contract. Thank you, Dan, for always surprising me with your creativity. I always enjoy reading you and learning a few new tricks.

You are the best!

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!

  1. Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
    Take pictures! Be creative!
  2. Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost?
  3. Post the picture(s) Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post
  4. Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated)
    5. Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it
  5. Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
    7. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post. If you don't and someone reads it, there is nothing to tie #MarketFriday to that post.
  6. Please only one post each week. Believe it not, I run out of voting power if you put in many more than that.

As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!

Upped and reposted


You know, Denise, otherwise known as @dswigle, that I'm one of the #marketfriday veterans and I'm well aware of your opinion of me too, so I can't believe you mean me. I know, by the way, that if you had something to criticize you would have done it directly, in a comment.
Why did I say I was a veteran? Because I've been writing in this challenge for about four years, haven't I? I mean I've written in all sorts of ways and it seems to me that I've exhausted the classic forms of expression, that's why I'm looking for any new post, from now on, to be somehow different, to find something I haven't done before. It's hard enough to know that when you find a post of mine in the classic form, it means I haven't had any inspiration.

I still haven't read your post, as in fact many of the last ones, and I regret that and will try to fix it. I'm at least trying to vote on time.
I regard your reference to blurred photos and my posting of exactly that kind of photo as another strange and pleasant coincidence, as many have been since we have known each other.
